Chapter 3.

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Next Morning:

,,Babe wake up.''

Great!This isn't dream.

I let loud groan to escape from my mouth. This boy is so boring.

,,What do you want?'' i asked sleepy

,,You have sexy voice in the morning,did you know that baby girl?''

I rolled my eyes and got up from Harrys comfortable bed.

,,So..i was thinking um...if you want to go to lunch with me?'' he asked casually.

,,Yesterday you were shouting at me,and now?You asked me to go on date with you.''

,,I said i'm sorry for yesterday.'' he groaned hardly

,,And what if i say yes?You are probably going to rape me,and PUF!I'm pregnant.'' 

,,You like fantasies,don't you?'' he smiled 

He was adorable when he smile.I even could see his dimples.

,,You promise that you won't like...rape me?''

,,Only if you want me to.'' he smirked again.


,,So...yes or no?'' he asked.

,,Well..i think..yes,ok!'' i smiled

,,Great,change your clothes and take shower if you want.We are waiting for you downstairs.''


,,Me and my friends.They want to meet you.''

I rolled my eyes and got into bathroom.

,,Don't roll your eyes Rose.'' he shouted ,,Or i'll go into and see your sexy body.God,you don't want to jnow what's in my head right now.''

I can imagine that stupid pervert smirk on his face.

,,Go to your friends Harry!'' i yelled

,,No,they can wait.Be careful,it's pretty slippery there.''

,,Ok daddy!I can see.'' i roled my eyes again and got into shower.


After i finished showering and brushing my teeth,i took a look at clothes Harry chose for me.It was short shorts,long sweatshirt,black converse and black cap.I have to say that he  chose very well.

I dressed up,and put some eyeliner and mascara.

Yeah i bring them with me.Luckily.

I got downstairs and saw four  guys and four girls.

Harry gave me one of his smirks and  casually got closer to me.

,,You look hot.'' hi gasped in my ear. ,,And yeah babe..that daddy nickname you gave me..don't say that again if you don't want me to fuck your little body so hard!'' he moaned.

What the fuck?

I just noded 

,,So anyway this people are like more important peace of my gang.''

,,Zayn,Liam.'' he pointed,and they smiled

''This is Niall, i guess you already know each oder.'' 

,,Nice to see you again Rose.'' he smiled

,,Nice to see you too Niall.'' i smiled back

,,This is Louis.'' 

,,Hi.'' he smiled 

,,This is Eleanor,Louis is her boyfriend.'' she waved me with warm smile.

,,This is Perrie,Zayns girlfriend.'' she smiled

,,This is Sophia,Liams girlfriend.'' she smiled too.

,,And this is Maggie.''

,,So,this is that famous Rose Johnsons?'' she smiled

I know her 1 minute,and i already hate her.

,,Yeah,you got problem with that blondie?''

,,Oh my..someone is sassy,isn't that funny?''

,,Fuck you whore.Go get yourself some clothes.''

,,Harry likes me this way.'' 

She looked at  Harry and gave him smirk 

,,I don't see that Harry likes you.'' i smirked and gave Harry look.He just smirked back.

,,You really think he likes you?Do you know that-

,,Maggie shut the fuck up!'' he yelled

,,C'mon Rose,let's get out of here.'' he said.

I just...........


That's Chapter 3. :)

Hope you like it ♥

Lots of love :*

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