Roller Skating (Moa-Metal X Male! Reader X Yui-Metal)

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Today was your birthday and your older sister, Su, was taking you out roller skating. She was in a kawaii metal band known as BABYMETAL. To the very least you were proud of her for her success.

"Are you ready to go, y/n?" Your sister asked. "Yes, sister! I am ready!" You said excitedly with your roller skates/blades in your hands. She smiled warmly at you. The two of you got into the car.

Yui and Moa were there too! "Happy birthday, y/n!" Said Moa. "Yeah! Happy birthday, y/n!" Said Yui. "Thanks!" You said with a bright smile. You and these two back up singers were the same ages. You were slightly older than them however.

*time skip to at the skating ring*

The four of you were putting on your skates. "Skate with me, y/n!" Said Yui. You smiled at her. "Ok, Yui!" You said. Moa then stepped in. "No, y/n-kun! Skate with me!" She begged. "Uh.." You mumbled.

Su sighed and rolled her eyes. The two girls started to bicker. "Enough! Do not fight on my little brother's birthday!" Su scolded. But they ignored her.

"Come on, you two! Don't fight! I'll skate with you both!" You said. Yui and Moa immediately stopped bickering. Su looked at you with an unsure look.

"Really?!" They both squealed. You nodded. They both began giggling. Moa grabbed your left hand while Yui took your right. Su smiled at you.

"Thanks again, sister!" You said to her before riding off. Yui and Moa had firm grips on your hands but hey, you weren't complaining.

You did have a crush on the two young singers. You thought it was cute the way they fought over you.

Various Bands X Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now