Sobering Up (Depressed! Gerard Way X Reader)

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Trigger warning...

My Chemical Romance had hit rock bottom... They've stopped touring for the time being. The reason? Gerard's drinking problem.

It wasn't just that, he was also taking a lot of pills too and just recently you heard he was doing cocaine. You were so worried about him. You hadn't slept in two days.

You were always too busy worrying that Gerard may OD. Gerard.... Please be alright. Please don't leave us... A tear slipped down you cheek as you put out your cigarette.

When you walked back inside your hotel room, Mikey was there, sitting on (friend's name) bed with his head in his hands and (friend's name) sitting next to him, rubbing his back.

"I-I'm so scared for him, ya know? What if he drinks himself to death? I can't loose Gerard. I can't loose my older brother!" Mikey sobbed. Tears started to form in your own eyes.

You had spent so much time crying over Gerard that you didn't take the time to realize what Mikey is going through and how this is effecting him.

(Friend's name) hugged Mikey. "Gerard isn't going to die, Mikey! I promise...! I'm sure he'll get better. He would never leave you, hun." He/she said softly to the weeping bassist.

Mikey looked up at him/her and wrapped his arms around him/her, hugging them back and silently crying on their shoulder. You came by and patted his shoulder. "Yeah, Mikes, Gerard's a tough guy.

He can pull through this." You reassured, even though you too were a crying mess. Your own words didn't reassure you at the very slightest. "Thanks, you guys. Honestly, you're both the best groupies ever!"

Mikey cried, hugging (friend's name) tighter. He ended up staying the night. You told him he could just take your bed because you weren't going to sleep.

You were in a diner that was open 27/7. You were at a booth all by yourself with a cup of coffee. The waitress kept refilling it for you. Right now you were spending a great majority of the money you had here.

They ran out of coffee about an hour ago, so you just sat there with your head down. It wasn't until around four in the morning when you got kicked out for not ordering anything else.

On your way back to the hotel, you heard sobbing coming from an alleyway. You hesitantly took a few steps in, expecting to see Mikey. But it was Gerard.

He was facing the wall with one arm leaning on to support his weight. "Gerard?" You spoke softly. He turned to look at you. His eyes red and swollen and his face covered in tears.

Somehow your heart broke even more just by looking at how broken he was. "Go away..." He choked out. You felt your heart sink and you took a step closer.

You weren't just going to leave Gerard out here like this. "Go away!" He repeated, this time louder. "No, Gerard. I'm not just gonna leave you out here all alone."

You said, now also crying. "Just go! Leave me! I don't care if I'm alone!" He sobbed. You ignored him and just walked closer to him. Eventually you wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him into a hug.

You were expecting him to yell at you, or even push you away. But instead he returned the hug and cried on the top of your head, soaking your (h/c) hair.

You just let him cry on you and hugged him tighter. "I have a serious problem!" He sobbed. You rubbed his back. This was just horrible. Seeing Gerard break down like this made you feel like someone had lit your heart on fire.

"I know, Gerard. But I'm here for you." You breathed out. Gerard lifted his head so he could look at you. "No, y/n, you don't understand! It's not just my addiction. I want to kill myself!"

He cried. What was left of your heart was now shattered. Your face went pale and more tears streamed down your face. "No, Gerard! You can't! There are too many people who care about you!

Your life is too precious to just throw away! It's not worth it, Gerard!" You cried, clutching his leather jacket. He just shook his head. "Who cares? I'm just another celebrity who's fucked up on drugs and alcohol!"

He cried. "No you're not! You're so much more than that! You've just hit a bump in the road! Taking your life is not worth it! Trust me on this, Gee! Think about Mikey! What would he do without you?!"

You protested. "Mikey will be better off without me..." He sobbed, looking away. "Don't say that! Mikey wouldn't be able to live without you! He doesn't know what he'd do without you!

He told me himself! He was at my hotel earlier." You argued. Gerard looked you in the eyes. "H-he really said that?" He asked. A sob hitched in your throat.

"Yes, Gerard! Mikey really cares about you, and so does Ray, and Frank and Bob! Even (friend's name) and I care about you!" You told him. Gerard sniffles and pulled you into a tight hug.

Despite the fact he was practically crushing you, you hugged back and buried your face in his chest. "Gerard, listen to me, I'm gonna help you get through this!

I'm gonna help you break this addiction, ok? Because I can't stand to see you so depressed and neither can Mikey. I'm gonna do you and your brother both a favor."

You told him. You felt his tears once more soak your hair. "Thank you, y/n..." His shaky voice cracked. You stayed out there with him for the rest of the night.

Gerard had vented to you about his depression. You just sat and listened and soothed him with your comforting words. When morning came, you walked him back to his hotel.

Mikey and the others had burst through the doors completely panicked. Even (friend's name) was there. All of which tackled Gerard with hugs. "Guys, I'm alright." He reassured. "What the fuck, Gerard?!!!

We thought something bad happened to you!!!" Mikey practically screamed, but his voice was slightly broken from crying. "Mikey... I'm so sorry for making you worry." Gerard said quietly.

"Better be..." He and Frank say at the same time. They all let go of him, all but Frank who is crying on Gerard's shoulder and is a shaky mess. This made Gerard cry again and he hugged back.

"I'm not going anywhere, you guys. I'm gonna get better, I promise." He said. Mikey had led you and (friend's name) out of the room. "Y/n, what happened?" He asked.

"I found him in an alleyway, crying. He told me that he wanted to kill himself and I had stayed up the rest of the night talking him out of it." You replied. Mikey looked at (friend's name), he was holding his/her hand.

His eyes were puffy and had bags under them. You could tell he had been up all night crying. (Friend's name) too had bags under their eyes. "Thank you..." He said with a small smile.

After that, you spent the next 17 days with Gerard. Little by little, you were breaking him of his addiction, until he was no longer drinking, or taking any pills or drugs.

It only took 17 days! Gerard was finally sober! Sure, it was an emotional roller coaster, but it was all worth it! Gerard promised you and the others that he was going to get better.

And you promised Gerard that you would help him. You both kept your promises. On the way down to the lobby for some coffee, Gerard rounded a corner and hugged you from the side.

"Thank you so much, y/n! I owe you infinity times infinity for what you did for me!" Gerard says, hugging you tightly. "You don't owe me anything, Gee. I was just helping."

You giggled. "Come on! There's gotta be something special I can do for you!" He squealed. "How about we just get some coffee?" You asked. Gerard smiled and kissed your cheek.

Your eyes widened and your face turned than the right side of Ash Costello's hair! "Fair enough! Let's get some COFFEEEEEEE!!!" Gerard squealed, grabbing your hand and running down to the lobby.

Your mind was in a daze. Gerard Way kissed you on the cheek! Something you thought he would never do! It would have been better if it were on the lips. Still~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2016 ⏰

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