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"Ok, so where do you plan to go?" He gave me a very 'matter-of-fact' look as if he'd already won this stupid argument and I really wanted to slap it off of his face, no matter how beautiful it may be. I knew I was being stubborn, and I also knew I didn't have an answer to that question. That didn't change the fact that I was NOT going to allow him to do this. He'd already done too much.

I answered with a glare instead of words and a satisfied smile lifted his lips.

"Exactly. You're staying with me."


"No. I'm not leaving you to freeze to death after all of this. I'm not taking no for an answer."

"I can take care of-"

He held up a hand, an equally stubborn expression gracing that perfect face. "I want you to. C'mon, it'll be fun. Besides, now I won't be alone on Christmas morning. So really you're doing me a favor by keeping me company. I promise that when you're feeling up to it we can look into getting you back on your feet, but until then you are staying with me. End of discussion."

I didn't know what to say, so I just resorted to pouting. We'd been bickering on and off the entire morning, and it all started when I found out that he'd paid for all of my medical bills up front like it was pocket change. I couldn't believe it when Gwen had let it slip and he'd only seemed amused when I had a freak out over it.

Then I got the news that I could leave after a few more tests and things and then the new argument presented itself.

I didn't know what to make of him and his strange generosity. Did he want something from me in return? Not that repaying that kind of debt with him would be any type of hardship, but is that what he wanted?

I really wanted to keep arguing, but that was when the doctor decided to show up for a last quick exam. When he reminded me I'd have to return later to have all of my various stitches out, Scott stuck his tongue out at me from behind the older man and I had to press my lips together to keep from laughing. I tried to do the same back at him when the doctor turned to answer some questions about the care of the stitches and my medication, but he'd put his 'business man' face on and was 100% focused on the doctor and what he was saying.

It was simultaneously adorable and annoying.

When we were finally alone again I narrowed my eyes in a glare. "So what are you going to do if I refuse to cooperate."

"You won't" He smiled and reached for a duffle bag nearby that I hadn't noticed. "Gwen said she thought you might be able to go home today and your clothes were pretty ruined so ... I got you a couple of things to get you through the next couple of days. We'll have to go shopping eventually, but-"

"Scott!" I couldn't believe it... more of his money down the drain because of me. I wanted to throw my pillow at his head when he just waved me off as if my protest was irrelevant and put on an innocent smile.

"Early Christmas presents. I had to guess sizing but I think it'll be okay. Oh, and I got you a coat too. It's not a very good one, but it'll be enough until I get you home and then we can look into a better one."

"People aren't this nice. I didn't do anything to deserve any of this. I can't even begin to pay any of this back" As beautiful as he was, and as attached as I'd already become, how could I let him continue to do this?

"Please stop. You don't have to pay anything back. I swear I don't expect anything in return. I just want to help."

He looked like a sad puppy and what was I to do but try to make him smile again. "Fine, I'll go... but just until I get my stitches out."

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