A Brother's Love

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  • Dedicated to Jabby <3

Hey :D *waves frantically*

I'm gonna try and enter this story into 'The Legend Continues, HP Fanfiction Contest'. This will be a short story relfecting mainly on Ron and Harry's relationship *see title above for more help* I will still be working on 'Renewing What He Lost' but I just really wanted to try this, so wish me luck :)

But we can't start a story without-

fan vote and comment?

love you guys!



Ron's eyes were looking without really seeing.

They hadn't seen anything happy since he had seen his own brother killed by a death eater, right in front of his own eyes.

Ever since Fred died, he couldn't shake the feeling of being cold and weak.

Spreading through his body like water rushing through a river rapidly, creating slight waves as it passed down the stream.

Even though Fred had died awhile ago, it felt like seconds ago.

And now, he couldn't get the image of Fred's face, void of any laughter or fun, lying dead on the ground of Hogwarts.

Then time passed.

Many others had passed; some of the following he knew. Especially his old Potions Master, Severus Snape. He was killed by You-Know-Who's snake, Nagini. He was brutally murdered and then he spoke softly to Harry and gave him memories that were creeping silently down his face with the tears that had spilled over.

Ron couldn't remember the last time he saw Harry.

For a moment he felt a feeling of powerful panic running through him but then he looked at Fred...and it disappeared, along with any other thought that was occupying his mind at the tense moment.

All that could be heard throughout the Great Hall was the sound of his mothers sobbing and the other families crying over their loved ones.

His eyes passed over a hole in a window that had been cracked when the battle had taken place earlier today. Through it he could see the grounds, covered with blood but thankfully all of the bodys had been moved.

Ron could recall memorys of he, Harry, and Hermione would laugh and play on those grounds.

I shall wait for one hour in the Forbidden Forest.

He glanced carelessly around, not looking for anyone in particular. He only wanted to be with his family...and Fred.

A shadow moved across the grounds as he looked out. He sat up straighter and saw someone stand at the edge of the forest. His eyes widened when he saw who it was.


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