Chapter 4- Younger Sister

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  • Dedicated to Me, Myself, and I

Hey to everyone and anyone who is still reading this story!!! Not much to say...

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"What-" Ron demanded with an exasperated expression on his face. "What does Neville have to do with this?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders and replied non-chalantly, "Nothing really."

Ron's eyes narrowed slightly as he thought of why Neville would be brought into this. He couldn't think of any so he asked Harry, "What about Neville?"

 "Not much," Harry replied simply. "except when everything gets back to normal, just tell him for figure out when someones lying to him."

Ron still had a confused expression on his face after he listened to what Harry said moments earlier. Harry must've seen hie expression because he said hurridly, "But when you find out what I'm talking about, don't be mad at him!"

 "What did he do?" Ron asked curiously.

"That's the thing," Harry started. "he didn't really do anything except for believing a little white lie that I said to him."

"What'd you say?" Ron asked, his eyes narrowed slightly as he wondered what exactly Harry had said to Neville.

Harry sighed deeply and looked over the broken grounds with a solemn expression on his face. His emerald eyes seemed to grow more weary with every second that passed between them.

"Just tell him not to blame himself later, okay?" Harry said seriously.

This time Ron repeated his question but with more force, as he could feel a small amount of panic bubble up in his chest as his mind roamed of reasons why Neville would feel guilty.

"As I was walking out of the main entrance," Harry started to explain. "I almost ran into him." He took another deep breath and gulped before saying, "He was carrying Collin Creevy."

Ron took a deep breath, much like the one Harry had taken moments earlier and he sent his friend a look of great pity. Harry ignored it and he continued on with his explaining.

"We talked for a minute and I told him to kill the snake. Then he asked where I was going and blah, blah, blah." Harry said, waving off his hand non-chalantly. "I just said a little white lie."

"A little white lie?" Ron questioned incrediously, his eyes going wide as he stared at his friends calm demeanor.

"Harry," He said seriously. "a little white lie is something like 'yeah, I finished my homework.' Not 'of course I'm not walking off to my death!' Learn the difference." Ron stated.

Harry rolled his eyes and said, "It won't matter in a few minutes anyway."

Ron's eyes widened considerably and he exclaimed, "A few minutes!"

Harry nodded simply and said, "Even less if you go back in the Great Hall with your family. Then I'll just walk off and things can go back to normal."

Ron took that moment to practice some intresting eye-rolling techniques at the cluelessness of his friend. "If you really think I'm gonna willingly let you go and die," He had said. "then you aren't as smart as I thought you were."

Harry raised an eyebrow but didn't reply to his friend nonetheless.

Suddenly, an idea came to Ron.

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