Chapter 3- Supressed Guilt and Grief

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Hey to those people who comment and vote and fan and are just plain awesome :) Not much to say but I tried to make this one a little sadder than the others :'( Comments would be very appreciated :) ALSO, dedication to ClaribelColon cause she was my FIFTIETH FAN!!! Now, we can aim for sixty and then they get a dedication :)

fan vote and comment?

anything you recognize is the the amazing JKR's


"What am I supposed to do when you're gone?" Ron asked, trying to keep his voice strong but at the end it cracked slightly.

Harry didn't reply or show any emotion that told people that he had heard what his friend had said to him other than a brief look of suprise flashing across his face.

"Harry," Ron started slowly and painfully. "I am begging you, please don't go..."

Harry turned away from Ron with a pained expression on his face and he softly replied, "Ron,-" But Ron cut him off forcefully.

"No, listen to me!" He started angrily. "I've already lost Fred tonight and I cannot lose another brother! I can't take it, I won't let you go! I don't care if I die too, you are not leaving me so you can go and die."

Harry glanced up at Ron with a suprised expression on his face and he asked confusedly, "Brother?"

Ron's eyes widened in amazenment and he cried out, "Of course you're my brother! What else would my best friend of seven years be? A stranger? You're already part of the family if you haven't noticed yet."

"Mum already considers you apart of the family and ever since Fred died, she's gonna need another son to smother..."

Harry turned back to him with an angry expression on his face and he said, "I'm not going to replace Fred. No matter how much you guys accept me into your family, I'm not apart of it."

"No matter how much I wish I could be..." He mumbled quietly.

"Why not!" Ron snapped in outrage. "Who says that you can't be!"

"I do!" Harry said coldly back at Ron. "I can't just do that to your family! I've already caused you enough trouble over the years, I won't do that anymore!"

"Caused us trouble?" Ron questioned incrediously. "You've saved practically every single of our lives, me included."

"Yeah, but think of how many times one of you have almost died because you took pity on me one day, seven years ago." Harry simply replied.

Ron went silent, as he couldn't find any words to argue with him with and also because the knew that the statement was true. He could also tell that Harry knew what he was thinking.

 "We don't regret it, Harry." He said forcefully as he gave Harry a sharp glance out of the corner of his eyes. "And Fred wouldn't regret it either."

"And because of that, Fred's dead." Harry repated shortly. "Also, almost fifty people are dead because they decided that they would support me instead of taking the practical way, and now because of one stupid choice, they're dead. Remus and and Tonks included."

Harry turned to Ron and asked rather frantically, "Do you remember what Remus told me at Shell Cottage?" When Ron shook his head, Harry continued on and he cried out, "I'm Teddy's godfather!"

Ron gave a look of excitement to Harry and he said pleadingly, "See, now you have Teddy to watch after! You can't go and die when you have a godson!"

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