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For I was broken open
Like a shattered pomegranate seed,
Lungs left shrunken, lacking air,
Staining the planet a deep crimson.
The last noise to be heard
Was the sound of raven's wings washing over.

Darkness shadowed my eyes,
Soul ascending from the body;
Falling deeper and deeper
Into an abyss of endless time and space.
Forever lost, not remembered.

No memory or recollection of next events
But suddenly the dark mask faded
Leaving me in an ethereal world
Of red stones, a black sky and pervasive fires.

Cold flames licked at my grey feet and clawed up
As though a blaze had been lit right under me.
Bright yellow glowed dim
Tall red doors ahead just a crack open.

Following the yellow light,
I expected Heaven
Expected forgiving of sin
Only to be greeted with a toothy grin
Bloodied on the snouts of Cerberus
With an expectant Hades in his throne.

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