Heart for Disaster

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Heart for Disaster One Shot.

He could feel the tightening feeling as it crushed against his chest, warmness engulfed his fingertips as the world slipped from his view. Darkness clouded his soul; everything becoming dark. Only moments had gone since the beast that attacked him fled from the scene. A painful sting made his glassy eyes flutter darkly into slits, mouth clutching into a thin line as well. The mysterious moonlight shone down at him, trees clearing up towards him. Everything was silent. Thoughts of the terrible accident flooded his head in a flash earning the quiet air a soft moan from his chapped lips.

There had been a band of wolves that chased after him; threatening growls flying sky high, rough footfalls stomping against the muddy grounds, and an eerie vibe dancing through the wind.

His forearm stung strongly while those grey orbs of his gazed up at the shining midnight sky.

Brandon could feel his muscles snap in a brutal way, limbs rearranging, bones cracking painfully as his chest began to feel suffocated once more. The air was gone from his lungs, and huge feeling of horror washed over his body. He hadn't felt anything this wrong ever before; something so evil was eating at his flesh with a fierce hunger that made his rapid heart grow thicker and heavier.

His hearing picked up at a close howl that desperately called for him; like it wanted him to come towards it.

He found his strength for a moment and pulled the hands towards his face, silently watching in terror as they began to grow hairier and the nails longer with a deadly point. Eyes turn dark with a hint of red to them as the moon's reflection lit his features heavenly.

A loud menacing growl emitted from Brandon's throat, mouth wide open as his teeth become deadly and sharp, his lips turning into a snarl. His entire body was shifting into something abnormal and supernatural. His facial features changed; his perky nose formed into a long snout, ears becoming pointed and full of a dark fur that began to coat his tanned skin. One more 'pop and lock', and his entire body was transformed into something out of a horror movie.

Some sort of wolf-man creature that had the built of a man and the features of a wolf; it was terrifying.

Brandon growled at the sky, a howl soon followed suit as his muscles grew even bigger. The claws he sliced through thin air were huge, the fangs he bared were menacing, and those broad shoulders were even larger than their original size. Going up to six foot-four, Brandon was now a killing machine that could devour any living thing that thought they surpassed him.

Giving one last glance about his surroundings, he broke into a run and disappeared from plain sight through the mysterious, cold night.

*••A Year Later••*

I made my way towards the school grounds and immediately found my best friend. She was talking with a bunch of her other friends, when I stood behind her and covered her brown eyes with my pale hands, "Guess who!" I joked.

"Miranda?" She mocked.

"No, I'm not a whore!" I laughed as I uncovered her face, letting her twirl towards me.

She was about to make fun of her when something caught her eyes from a distance. And when I was about to turn around to look, her hands jerked forwards and grabbed my shoulders in alarm.

"Don't look now but Brandon Lee just arrived to school!" Samantha squealed while shaking my shoulders from behind. I, of course, didn't care if he was there or not so I just rolled my eyes at her.

"Just because you have a huge crush on him doesn't mean that I have to care for him, Sam" I groaned.

"Whatever," she pouted. "Isn't he just the sexiest guy ever?"

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