A Howl in the Night

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A Howl in the Night One Shot.

Menacing growls alarmed the silent woods; birds flying about seeking protection, herds of deer were bolting away on the tip of their toes in a hurry, squirrels hid away inside tree holes and rabbits dug their way into their homes as the lizards scattered about in the dark, awakening Amanda’s curiosity as she carelessly lay on the ground facing the fading twilight.  

She stood while glancing about the clearing, eyes studying her vacant surroundings. This rattled her nerves very much. By taking a step forward, she began an unknown journey through the darkness. A dirt path showed the way as it led her further into the hollowed trees, opening up in between two tall trees.  

Her eyes searched the new location, everything seemed quiet and alone—that is until the blue orbs landed on a boy that lay underneath an oak tree.  

Just suddenly, it became quieter and her breath halted making her chest crumble tighter against her soul. She called aloud, “Hu—“ But her voice was caught off into thin air. She called again for him but only silenced screams uttered out. Not hearing a reply or seeing any movement, her senses began to stir in panic.  

Wanting to run but legs not budging, time stopped making everything end up pulled and broken. Leaves began to fall over the ground making a trail that led to the pale body, hovering just inches from the sharpened grass. Droplets of glassy water prickled from the sky, slowly dripping onto the scene giving the strange situation a hint of sparkling curiosity.  

"Hunter!" Amanda screamed in terror, eyes hollowing into deep distant orbs as her skin became paled. Her knees were about to give out making them stumble forwards before tumbling onto the ground painfully. Those full lips that coated her mouth emitted a silent gasp as her baby blues zeroed on Hunter's limp body that lie on the rough grass in a fatal position. Her arms trembled with fear; legs crawled their way towards him, begging for him to be well and alive as her knees slashed against the deathly grass. Blood gushed out from her weak flesh, leaving a path of that rubbery redness on the earth.

She screamed once again finally hovering over him, her breaths were deep and shallow, and her heart was pumping rapidly to a tempo she had never heard of. "Wake up, please" she begged, desperately pulling on his lifeless hands while her eyes flooded with gallons of tears "don't leave me." Her head shoved itself against his dead chest wanting to feel his warmth, but it never came.

"Don't leave me. . ." Amanda's soft mumbles startled everyone that sat bored out of their minds in Carly's old red Mustang, "please, don't. . ."

"Hey, hey hey" Amanda was suddenly woken up by a pair of tanned hands making her jerk her head up in alarm. It had been only a stupid dream, she sighed thankfully.

"Are you alive, Amy?" Carly spoke from the driver’s seat, twisting her head to the side so she can give her a quick look.

Cleaning small droplets of saliva from her chin, Amanda groaned as her back cracked loudly, only muttering a small "yeah" in reply.

"Damn girl, you are tripping" Hayden giggled, "You talk in your sleep."

"Er, I do?"

Cary giggled also "I am afraid you do, and a lot."

A coat of embarrassment covered Amanda's face, cheeks reddening. "Sorry" a sheepish smile was playing with her rosy lips.

The other two girls only gave her a soft smile before getting to what they were doing—Carly was their chauffeur, and Hayden was texting her boyfriend.

"Are we there yet, Caaa-arly?" Amanda sleepily asked, a yawn interrupting her words.

"Yeah, I think so" Carly glanced her way before turning back to look at the road. "The guys told me to just follow the dirt road along the trees, but frankly" she jerked the wheel to the left trying not to crash against a rock, tree or any kind of wildlife, "I think William was joking when he said to go this way—Argh, I am so stupid!" she realized angrily. "Now we are lost because of his childish pranks."

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