Shy No More ♡ m.c.

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A/N: Imagine you are really shy around people and you're insecure about it. 

 You and Michael were lying on the couch watching disney movies and cuddling as a lazy day. “Y/N,” he sits up a little, “I think it’s about time you meet the band,” you and Michael have been dating for about 2 months and it was getting pretty serious. You have tried to avoid this scenario for the past few weeks, you were scared to meet new people. You groaned and gave him ‘the look’. “You have to meet them sooner or later, why not sooner?” he pulled you in a little closer, as you pushed him away. Your shyness was always a soft spot for you, you never wanted to discuss it, and Michael was getting too sensitive.

"I just don’t want to meet them now, okay" you resisted his urge and pulled away from the cuddle. 

"Why not, they aren’t bad guys they are all really nice and I’ll ask them not to tease you! Look there’s nothing to be worried about, no need to be shy." Michael pleaded. You put your head down to try to hide the tears that are welling up in your eyes. Michael lifted your head and saw the tears, “Hey, what’s wrong," he grabs you into a big hug, “Look if you don’t wanna meet the guys you don’t have to come here." He pulls you tighter and kisses your head.

"No, it’s fine, we can meet them, I just I’m…" you sniffle and wipe away the tears, “I get… I’m really really shy," you look up and Michael looks worried.

"That’s all, you’re just shy, we can fix that!" He fixes the front of your hair then kisses you, “Meet me here in 40 minutes, be prepared to overcome your shyness," he gives you a giant smile then pulls you into another kiss before getting up.

You come back to find Michael wearing glasses and a button down shirt standing in front of a sign that said “MICHAEL’S REVERSE SHY COURSE” you laughed and ran over to kiss him. “No, sit if you want to do this there is no fraternizing with the teacher,” he giggles and points to the couch, “Welcome to my class please sit and enjoy the next few hours, yes Y/N.” you had your hand raised, “Mikey-” he cut you off, “NO! Mr. Clifford to you.”

You giggle again then begin, “okay, Mr. Clifford, where do we start!” You smile at him. You spend the rest of the day joking around and embarrassing yourself in public places, as you spent more and more time with Michael you felt more comfortable in your body. 

A/N: This one might actually suck because it's like the first one i've ever written but hope you enjoyed 

-gabby :--) xx

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