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'Why does it always seem to be a much brighter day when your world is about to change?' Gon thought to himself as he tried to wrangle in his ever mess of black hair. A small group of hairs continued to spring out place no matter how much gel he used it seemed.

After what seemed like an eternity, and an enormous amount of hair products, his hair was finally under control.

He was pleased with the final product as he looked into the mirror with a slight smile on his face. He wasn't a huge fan of having his hair straightened and combed back but it's not like it had to stay that way for long. Gon inspected himself in the mirror to make everything was looking perfect. His skin still had that golden brown tint to it, with the addition of a couple of scars from over the years. As a professional Hunter though that came with the territory. He looked into his eyes to still see they haven't lost their amber shine. 

Usually, he would be wearing his Hunter outfit: a green long-sleeved jacket, a black t-shirt underneath, black jeans and his signature green boots; it's not every day he got dressed up, though.

Gon turned away from the mirror and glared at the brand new tuxedo that Leorio bought for him laying on the bed. The sun was shining through the window and directly onto the tux.

'It's almost like a sign from God' Gon thought to himself chuckling before grabbing the outfit.

He spent the next few minutes trying to figure out how to put the somehow complicated attire on and that's when he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in!" Gon announced still struggling with his pants.

Gon stared as the door opened and in came Kurapika.

"You're stilling getting dressed" Kurapika exclaimed with a mix of both annoyance and laughter pm his face.

"Well, it's not like I've had to wear a lot of tuxedos before! This is more complicated than it should be..." Gon trailed off finishing putting on his pants.

'When was the last time I wore one of these?' Gon started to drift off into thought at his question. Flashes of his time in YorkNew city started trickling back and a small smirked started to form on his face.

"What are you smiling about?" Kurapika noticed Gon staring off into the distance smiling to himself.

"Oh I just started to think about that last time I wore a tux and that brought back some memories when I was in YorkNew with Killu-" Gon stopped himself mid-sentence. He hadn't thought about that time in such a long time. The small smirk soon evolved into a full blown Gon trademark smile.

"How long ago was that even?" Kurapika asked Gon as he held his index and thumb in an "L" shape to his chin.

"A little over 12 years ago I think..." Gon stated while slipping on his jacket, finishing the tuxedo.

"Wow, time sure does fly doesn't," Kurapika said as he took his hand away from his face and behind his back. "It almost seems like a lifetime ago, especially after all that happened."

"Yeah, I didn't think we'd make it to this point actually," Gon said as he was scratching the back of his head.

A murmur of the commotion was starting to be heard outside of Gons room that was accompanied shortly after by another knock on the door.

The door opened without waiting for a response and in strolled Leorio with a look of excitement.

"Gon! Hurry up will ya!" Leorio yelled.

"Shhhh!" Kurapika glared at him like a mother does to her unruly child. "We are just finishing up so calm down."

Leorio sat on the bed looking at Gon.

As Time Goes Byजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें