My Paranormal Diary.

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Ok this is going to basically be a diary on my paranormal life and what I have experienced, maybe it'll turn a few skeptics into believers lol. I don't know how long this will be but I can promise you it will have some bad parts to it and I will rate this whole thing restricted. I don't want kids reading some of the things I put in here and have them have nightmares and their parents getting pissed at me. I wanted to start this just because I love the paranormal and I believe in it and I'm sure others like me are out there amongst the people of wattpad. Here is a sanctuary for those who have had experiences and are afraid to share them. I am posting this to show you there is a silver lining and I can help you or at least try to help you understand it. I'm not one to judge if you read this diary you will see the things I've been through as a kid and until today. Even still I have experiences and I love it, no I'm not crazy haha. Anyway I'm going to rant so I may as well stop myself now and start on the first chapter or however it should be called. I just hope you don't end up ridiculing me and think I'm a madman or un follow me. Like I said I'm not here to force you to read this or anything I'm mainly doing this for myself or anyone interested in reading this.

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