Home alone and loud noises..

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Hey there guy's it's Eternal here I had another experience about a week ago and I figured I'd share it with you. I was home alone my boyfriend had left for a birthday party and I was just sitting on my couch listing to music with my headphone on (loud mind you) playing some call of duty ghosts. I was bored and wanted to get my level up so I could get closer to my prestige. Well it was maybe 9:30 to 10:00 when I hear this loud noise come from my front door.

Now I had my headphones on and they were blasting my music and I barley heard my tv because my headphones cancel out some of the noise. Anyway I was just sitting there in the middle of the game when I heard this loud ass bang on my door. We have 2 doors one that's on the inside of the house then a little hall and the the front door. I got up to see who was knocking on the front door, but no one was there and I could of sworn I felt like some one was watching me.

I walked back into the house after I made sure no one was out there and I sat back down to play some more. Shortly after I had to use the bathroom and as I walked in I felt this horrible chill and it got worse as I used the bathroom and then left. At this point I started to freak out and text my friend telling her what was happening. After a while I calmed down and started playing more call of duty and listened to more music.

Nothing happened the rest of the night and eventually my boyfriend came back home, no I didn't tell him what happened. Yes he believes in it to but I didn't think about telling him because I didn't feel it important. Eventually I grew tired and wanted to go to be so I said good night and went into our room.

Still nothing happened and I feel to sleep. Now this is what was weird when I woke up the next morning my leg felt like it was slightly stinging.  So I sat up in bed and moved my pant leg and looked at my leg. What I notice made my hair stand on end what I was were 3 little scratch marks which weren't there before and I know I didn't scratch myself that night because my toenails are always cut and are not sharp enough to cut my leg.

Still I didn't tell my boyfriend I still didn't think it was bad or anything and since that incident happened there hasn't been anything going on. No banging and no cold spots as of yet but I feel like there will be soon and I feel like it's not evil but I could be wrong. I mean It could just want to get my attention or it could want to do harm to me. I'm not to sure but I really want to find out more.

I can't wait for something to.... Hahah wow as I was writing that sentience I felt like some one was toughing my elbow and not ones next to me. Again I'm the only one in the house.. Well anyway if anyone you feel like somethings out to get you or you just want to talk about the paranormal you guys can message me or leave me comments about it.

In fact I know there probably skeptics out there who want to say what I'm telling you is a load of bull shit. I say they can believe what they want because they're not here experiencing it and I know what's happening to me is a little out there but it's my life and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Like I said just let me know if you ever have an experience you want to talk about because I'm here to listen and help if I can.


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