Chapter 1: The beggining of my paranormal Experience

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For starters I was about maybe 7 or 8 when I first started having experiences. I would always feel a presence near me and no one would be there. I'd start to feel like I was paranoid always looking over my shoulder to make sure I wasn't being followed by anyone. I'd start to think something was wrong with me that I was going crazy. Now this was right around the time where my stepfather was being an abusive ass whole to my mother, brother and I. So naturally I thought that what was happening at home was the cause of my paranoia until I started hearing people call my name when no one was around me. Again I thought I was going crazy and just brushed it off but the whispers grew louder with time and I would feel like I was being watched where ever I went. I thought that if enough time passed and I grew older that all of this would stop but I was wrong. In fact it wasn't until I was in girl scouts with 2 of my best friends from school and our scout leader decided it would be a good thing to go camping. I was thrilled a whole weekend camping with my troop away from my family for a while and finally get some peace from the paranoid feeling I've had. That is until one night my friends and I decided to tell old ghost stories in our tent, it wasn't like a tent you pitch up it had a wooden floor raised off the ground and a huge tent over it. Anyway we started telling the ghost stories and we came to the story about bloody marry, you know the story right? Well one of my friends told it to the rest of us when a acquaintance of mine had to use the bathroom. Now it was a hike from where our troop was staying so we had to take flashlights and a buddy so we wouldn't get lost, even though it was just up a hill we could still see the camp. I figured it be funny to try and say bloody marry in the mirror with the lights off when we reached the bathrooms. Everything was fine for a minute so she said she was going to the bathroom and I told her it was fine that I would wait for her. Now this is where it get's crazy, remember I said it was a short hike to get the bathrooms? Well I was leaning against the wall waiting for her to get done when I heard the opposite door opening and closing I didn't think much of it because the camp grounds had more than one girl scout troop camping the same weekend. A minute passed and I didn't hear any talking so I told my friend that I was going to go check it out and she said ok and followed me... There was no one there. A second later we hear the door we came in through open and close just like the one we were standing in front of. We exchanged looks for a second before I walked over to the other side of the bathroom and no one was there. I opened the door and looked around outside and didn't see anyone walking away. I was about to walk back in when the other door open and closed again and bother her and I were starting to freak out now and we stood there for a second listing to try and see if some one had come in but we heard nothing. I was a little hesitant on walking over there but I knew I had to check I mean there had to be some one right? Wrong. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up and I decided it was time to leave when my best friends came to check on why we were taking so long in the bathroom, yes we screamed and very loud might I add. The girl I was with and I exchanged looks unsure if we should tell them what had happened or not but I did anyway and asked them if it was them. They said no that they just got here and I felt my heart beat rise and goosebumps form on my skin. I looked at them with wide eyes and back to the girl I was with and asked if we could look around for footprints or someone that was playing a prank on us but we came up empty handed. Defeated and very tired we headed back to our tent to try and get some sleep even though it was very hard form me to fall asleep. Ever since then I've been afraid to look directly into the mirror yes I know that seems stupid but I'm serious lol.

This was a real experience and you may take it as you want lol just know that this isn't made up and that I thought of all possible ways that I could have debunked this experienc.

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