Chapter One: In The Begining

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Chapter One: In The Begining

A three month old Sienna sat on her mother's lap in the Potter's home. Their son, Harry, was 4 months old. Seeing as he was born on July 31st and she on August 31st. The two couples were delighted that they were born around the same time seeing as they were all the best of friends and hoped that their children would be also. The two children sat gooing at each other as their mothers chatted about a new book their favourite Muggle author had written and their husbands were busy in the den watching the Quidditch match. It was Bulgaria against Ireland and Bulgaria were up 100-95. The men screamed in joy when the Irish seeker caught the snitch and ended the game 100-245.

"Oh Lily don't be silly, of course Harry looks like you! He may have James' hair and facial features but his eyes are definetly yours!" Cordeilia exclaimed.

"Not that it goes for Sienna, she's Sirius as a girl honestly! If she were older you'd think they were twins!" And she was perfectly right for the child already had just past ear length hair that was in perfect ringlets that she had inherited from her mother, even though Cordeilia's was blonde. The childs eyes were big and hazel shining with innocence and framed by thick lashes, and although baby fat covered her face, you could see the strong jaw that her father had. She had her mothers nose though, small and cute.

The two women sat the children on the carpeted floor and let them happily play together.

"Lily?" Cordeilia had asked.

"Yes Deilia?"

"Sirius and I have discussed and we have chosen our God-parents. We'd like you to be Sienna's God-mother and Remus to be her God-father."

"Oh Deilia! I'd absolutely love too! James and I have also decided on ours. We want you and Sirius to be Harry's God-parents."

"Of course we will Lily! We love Harry like our own!" The two women hugged and smiled.

Meanwhile back in the den, James cleared his throat.


"Yeah Prongs?"

"Do you and Deilia wanna be Harry's God-parents?"

"Sure mate, we want Lily to be Sienna's God-mother too and Moony as her God-father."

"Padfoot! I'm offended! Why didn't you pick me as God-father, not that Moony isn't great or anything!"

"Well Deilia and I discussed it and she said we could have you but then Moony would feel left out and," he whispered the last bit, "she thinks you'll be a bad influence." James pouted childishly.

"No fair!" he whined. Sirius chuckled and patted his back.

"You can be God-father to the next one all right?"

"Well you better hurry up and get baby making then!" exclaimed James.

Sirius bust out laughing. "Oh yeah, well then you should too."

"Well OK then, I'll be right back!" James ran out the door to the den and Sirius followed after.

"Oh Lily-Flower!"

Lily turned to face James.

"Yes James?"

"Let's go make babies!" He earned a thwack on the head for that and they all bursted out laughing, even Harry and Sienna.

Sienna and Harry imitated James' face and everyone started to laugh. Until Sienna spoke.

"Poow Ja-Ja got bang-bang off Wily-Fwoer." The adults stared at her in shock.

She climbed up onto James' lap and kissed were Lily thwacked him.

"Oo beta now Ja-Ja?"

He smiled and nodded.

"I wuv oo and Wily and Harrwy and Mummy and Pwadfwoot." she said nuzzling into James' chest. Cordeilia and Sirius smiled.

"I think it's time for a picture!" exclaimed Lily, she waved her wand and her moving camera came whizzing down the stairs and settled itself on the tabletop. Lily and James took Sienna and Cordeilia and Sirius took Harry. They smiled and the camera clicked.

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