Chapter Four: The Sorting

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Chapter Four: The Sorting

I woke this morning to the sound of meowing and something furry rubbing against my cheek. Giggling I opened my eyes and my kitten, Onyx's, bright sapphire eyes stared into mine. Her nose twitched and her small pink tongue poked out and grazed my cheek.

"All right, I'm getting up." I mumbled removing her from my chest and placing her on the pillow where my head was. Yawning I pushed the covers off and rubbed my eyes. I threw my legs out of the bed and stood up shivering slightly from the cold. Onyx sat stretched out on my pillow, her sapphire eyes wide and unblinking.  Sighing I looked at the old grandfather clock. Half ten.

I threw open my wardrobe searching for something to wear. My eyes fell on my old Holyhead Harpies jersey and I threw that on with some black jeans and a pair of dark green ballet flats. I brushed through my long curly hair and tied it up into a high ponytail. Onyx sat and watched me impatiently.

"Alright alright!" I exclaimed rolling my eyes at the impatient kitten. She jumped down from my bed and nuzzled up against my leg, purring in contentment. Chuckling I picked her up and kissed her silky fur.

"C'mon sweetheart, lets go get breakfast!" she meowed and I made my way down from my room. Minnie and I had a sort of house-apartment thingy inside of Hogwarts. It was through her office and up some stairs, we had a bathroom and a kitchen and of course two bedrooms. One for Onyx and I and one for Minnie.

I crossed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before making me way out and into Minnie's office, she sat in her chair reading the Daily Prophet and muttering about Cornelius Fudge under her breath.

"Good morning Minnie!" I chirped placing a kiss on her cheek. She smiled.

"Good morning Sienna dear." she put down her newspaper and stood. Her emerald green robes swished as she stood.

"Shall we go down for breakfast?"

"Yes! Are you ready Minnie?" She nodded with a kind smile and gestured to the door.

"After you." I walked out and she followed closing the door behind her. It took us a five minute walk to get to The Great Hall.

The ghost of the Bloody Baron and Sir Nicholas floated down the hall towards us.

"Good morning Baron! Morning Nick!" I waved the waved back, smiling. We entered the hall and all the other teachers were sat eating their breakfast. I let Onyx down and she made her way to Hagrid, who sat beside professor Quirrell. Hagrid smiled and puck her up sending me a wave as I sat in my usual seat.

"Morning Albie!"  

"Morning Sienna." he chuckled at my enthusiasm.

"Excited for this evening?" he asked as I started to pile food onto my plate. I nodded vigorously.

"I can't wait!" I exclaimed once I had swallowed my mouthful. He chuckled.

"Can I help bring in the other first years?" I asked. Minnie and Albie nodded.

"You can do my job, if you'd like?" I nodded and continued to shovel food into my mouth.

-Six O'clock That Evening-

I stood outside waiting on Hagrid and the other first years to arrive. It took twenty minutes before I heard Hagrid's booming voice telling them to keep up. He looked around trying to spot Minnie.

"Hagrid!" I called, "Over here!" He spotted me and waved.

"The firs' years Sienna." he said gesturing.

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