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Your P.O.V

I can't believe this is happening. This guy (well, skeleton) you've like for the longest time was leaning in for the kiss you were hoping for. We got so close I could feel his breath on my face. I began to close my eyes waiting for the moment to come. Sans put his hand on my cheek and pulled me in. A strange voice came from behind us.

"Oh myy~~ This is a great story for my show! I can see the headlines already! 'Skeleton and human once friends but noow something more!" The voice cooed.

I slowly turned my head. Of course, Mettaton was standing behind the bench with a MTT microphone as Napstablook held the MTT brand camera. The solem ghost looked at me in shame.

"Oh.... You two are a thing I guess.... I mean, I guess I should have known... You hang out all the time...." His cheeks turned blue and he stuttered "Ughh... I always have to mess things up.... I m-mean. Ohhh.... Nevermind I guess...."

Blooky dashed away with tears down his cheeks. I felt my face flush. Naptablook had... liked me? Oh no. I have to make it up to him. But, how? 

I looked at Sans. He looked at Mettaton with fury plastered on his face. He stood up and held up his hand. When he did his left eye... it turned blue and yellow. But, that is impossible! How can he do that? More importantly, what will he do with it?

"Mettaton. I'm tired of your bull s-"

"Sans. Family friendly." Mettaton interupted.

"Why the hell should I care!? The one time I find happiness, you have to come around and screw it up for me!! Honestly, you deserve to have a bad time." Sans stated as two large skulls raised by his sides.

Mettaton's face never changed state. He finally raised an eyebrow in confusion. "So, getting down and dirty darling? No problem... Y/n! Would you mind turning on the switch behind me dear?"

I was so scared I just did as he said. Smoke surrounded the enitire area of the mall. People walked by gocking at the sight and some mothers covered the eyes of small ones. Then, when I looked back at Mettaton, he was in his EX form which I have seen once before.

Sans didn't seem to be startled. In fact, he looked angrier. " Fine. Let's make a deal. I win,  you let me live my life in privacy. If not, you can broadcast  whatever your heart desires on me." He spoke calmly.

"Deal. Prepare for your destruction darling." Mettaton said as he stood  prepared for action.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2016 ⏰

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