Chapter Six

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My feet carried me straight to where Delirious was hung, because I knew he was in more peril than Evan at the moment. My ears twitched, hearing an alert of my senses behind me.

And of course, Evan was lifted off his hook.

  I stood right beside Delirious as the sacrifical spirit's claws formed around him. His blue eyes, full of hurt and distrust, stared at me. I turned to him, my eyes filled with madness and bloodlust.


His lips shook and his hands hung limply at his sides.

"What happened to you?"

   I didn't know the answer to that.

"You didn't hang Ev right away.." Delirious let out a tired breath as he shut his eyes. "You didn't kill Luke while he was down. Didn't stop me from trying to help them."
  As the phantom-like appendages curled around him, he looked up at me, a tear spilling down his face.
  "You sat and listened to Bryce like you were human."

But I wasn't human. I don't think I ever will be.

  Delirious' head shot up, and his sight locked on to a claw ready to slice through his chest. His hands flew forward, as if to block the attack, but both of us knew it wouldn't be effective.

Time slowed. The Others have told me that some victims believe that the monster in the sky that stabbed them is like their torso was a bullseye carried them to Heaven. But it's greatly the opposite.

   It takes them to a Hellish like realm where they suffer for all eternity. Controlled under the command of Azarov. It's said that there is a chance one poor soul who was sacrificed could be returned to Earth, to continue the rituals.

I didn't want this to happen to any of them.

  Diving forward as the claw sped toward him, my hands wrapped around the spirit-like talon and, with all the might I could muster, pushed it away from Delirious with a violent hiss.
I wasn't going to kill him.

  Rushing footsteps came to a stop, and I knew it was them. A loud growl escaped my throat and the claw snapped in my grasp. A shriek echoed in the air, and the monster evacuated back into the sky.

  Taking only a single step, my knees gave out and I collasped, my muscles heaving and my heart pulsing too loud in my ears.

The puttering of feet ran up to the hook and a thud carried after. Dust floated in silence and then fluttered back to rest on the ground.
"I got you.." I heard Luke mumble and noise of wrapping bandages sounded.

  My mind buzzed and my eyes began to fail me. Ears twitching, I tried my dear best to stand. But my arms or legs just wouldn't budge. Darkness was soon to surround me as my eyes shut.

- - -

A groan escaped my throat, a shiver rattling down my spine. With a shock, my eyes opened, air rapidly flowing through the vents on my torso. Sweat dribbled from my lips. I lifted my hand to wipe it away, but gruesome pain shot up my arm. A growl rose in my throat.

   I sat up and looked around. I was in my cabin.. how'd I get here?

Standing, my legs quivered in agony. I pressured through the ache with a challenge. Laughing was triggered on the porch, and I flooded with guilt. They brought me back here. To safety. When I almost killed them.

  I walked over, standing in the doorway, listening. The four were gathered in a semi circle, the edge blocked off by the wooden railing. Left to right, it was Evan, Delirious, Luke, then Bryce. I smiled.

  "Seriously, Bryce, how'd you manage to escape Riddle Elementary School, along with Middle School and High? That place is practically Alcatraz!" Evan asked in wonder.

Bryce smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. "Skill."

Delirious giggled as he turned to Evan beside him. "Funny how you ask about that and you've actually escaped prison a few times."
  Evan raised his hands in innocence, swallowing the blame with a grin. Luke added in a "Good point."

   During the laughter, Evan turned slightly my way and caught my eyes. His mouth shut, an apologetic look on his face. Evan lightly cleared his throat as he silenced himself, looking at his hands in his lap.

The other three seemed to noticed. They quieted down quickly, giving a small look at Evan. Then Bryce shifted his head and those beautiful blue eyes stared right at me.

When he didn't say anything, I just bowed my head in a Thank You type of gesture. Before he had the chance to reply, I turned away and stepped down the pile of wooden planks, which were used as makeshift stairs.

The floorboards creaked as I stepped down the stairs into the basement, approaching one of the few red lockers down there. I tore the hoodie off my back, ears tugged along, hanging it up in the cabinet.

I ran my fingers against the pale grey fabric, a stale breath puffing from my vents. Vague memories haunted this sweatshirt, fluttering about in my mind that I can merely catch with a butterfly net. I remember it was the first thing I knew about myself.

   It was when I woke up. My muscles ached and my head pounded. I was dazed and confused. When you wake up fatigued in the middle of an auto wreckage yard, you begin to question yourself. But when four monsters stand infront of you, you begin to soil yourself, more likely.

The sleeve of this sweater was gripped in my hand. It was the only thing that made me feel safe at first. Of course, it got stretched the more I wore it, so now the attire was loose around the torso and waist. But that never bothered me.

What did bother me was when the Others said I couldn't keep it. They said I had to destroy it; burn it or leave it to decompose like litter on the ground. Hell no. I told them I did, but really I just kept it hidden in the red storage lockers.

   I couldn't just toss it to the side. I felt an emotional connection to it. Sure, it was the first thing that ever made me feel safe. But I knew it had to be more than that. Like it was with me before I became..



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