Chapter Sixteen

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It was the next day.
Early in the morning, Bryce had woken up along with everybody else. Smitty checked my wounds; Craig, Nogla and Evan prepared a meal of canned foods that they had brought with them; Delirious and Luke made sure everybody each had something as a weapon to fend themselves off with.

I sat by the wall, legs crossed, observing the fire the three cooked at outside. I'd be able to run out there to protect them if I needed to. Footsteps tapped against the wooden floor to my left. I turned, facing a tired-faced Bryce. I asked him if he was alright.

"I'm fine," he replied, a yawn grasping at his voice. "Just tired. Haven't slept much since I got here."
I stayed silence. I wonder if that was the first time the others were able to get some sleep as well.
"How about you?"

"How've you been doing? With, like, your stomach and stuff."

My lips curled into a smile. "Doing all good. Been healing well, Smitty's a good doctor." I heard him shout a Thank you! from upstairs.

I motioned to Bryce to sit beside me, which he did. He leaned his head against my shoulder. "Tell me about it," I spoke, my voice laced with curiousity.

"About what?"

"What is it like outside of the yard? Like, where you're from."

Bryce I could tell was reluctant to speak. I didn't know whether it was because he couldn't describe it, or he didn't want to disappoint me. "Well... it's beautiful. There's other birds than crows who tweet instead of caw." He whistled, imitating a bird he explained was called a chickadee.

"Leaves and trees and flowers of beautiful colours!" He spread out his arms, as if to imply it was such a large and magnificent display. "There are glimmering lakes and rivers that shine a fantastic blue as bright as.. um.." He glanced around, trying to find a comparison.

"As bright as your eyes?"

He giggled. "Sure, I suppose!" I smiled. "There are cities and towns; some as big as the yard and some as big as fifty!" He motioned with his arms again.
I was amazed. The outside world sounded too good to be true. My ears shuddered with excitement and anticipation.

"The people!" I blurted out. "What about the people?"

Bryce suddenly stopped, his smile dropping. It was as if realization had hit him in the face like a brick. His smile returned as quickly as it left.
"The people are fantastic, Ohm. People from all around the world with different religions, cultures, shapes, sizes, skin tones, sexualities, genders.. They could all be accepted as humans by each other. But, sadly, it's not an entirely happy world out there."

His smile once again faded. "People are the reason we live in such a dark world, Ohm. And we can't change that no matter how hard we tried. I want to help you, I want you to know what's out there, I really do. But some people that are out there don't. They'll hurt you."

I frown. "Bryce. I don't care what they'd think of me. I don't care if they hurt me, because I'll be in my yard for a long while. I just never want them to hurt you." I lean forward, planting a sweet kiss on his forehead, a smile partially shining on his face.

Bryce grew silent again, his eyes focusing nowhere in particular. He began spacing out, his lips moving ever so slightly, as if preparing to speak. "Omega?" My ears twitched, gesturing that he had my attention. "Are you coming with us?"

I blinked. I have thought about it, yes, but it was impossible. "Bryce, I can't cross the Barrier. You know that."

"We're not leaving through the gates, Ohm."

"Why not? It's the easiest way--"

"Omega, why do you think we came back? We came back-- we brought help-- to get you out of here. We knew we couldn't take the easy route." Bryce had fully turned to me, on his knees infront of me. "We found people who have been here before. They know how to get you out. We just haven't found it yet!"

He seemed out of breath. I sat up, my arms curling around him carefully and pulling him to lay against me. His breathing escaped in fast pants, which eventually slowly down to calm exhales. "I-I'm sorry," he mumbled. My hand ran along his hair peacefully, hushing him.

"I'm thankful you guys are trying so hard to help me, Bryce, I really am. But how are you know this plan is going to work?"

"They've done it before." I think my questioning silence led him to continue. "The two we haven't heard back from yet, one has helped a monster escape his yard before."

"What about the other one?"

"He is the monster."

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