Chapter Five

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     Despite being confronted by both Michael and Alice, Jacqueline began to relapse why she even began to work in the literature department. It was all for her happiness, but as well as her parents'. She always had a knack for writing, but she didn't know exactly what she wanted to be when she actually did get out of school. When she graduated, she had a degree in English literature. Her parents always wanted her to be something when she got older, hence her doing this for her parents as well.

      Going by the rules of life, she was always nice, most of the time, she never "cheated" in her work, and she always brought herself up as a woman. Being a real feminist, she was determined to break all stereotypes that men made about women. As she finished up her smoothie, she was almost finished with her article for her part in the gazette. She called it, Being the Modern Female. One part from it particularly stuck out to her from the rest.

      The power of the Wild Woman is not something often lauded. Many of us don't even know what She looks like. I would love to share what She means to me, but I also must ask you to please, please, please discover Her for yourself, for that is the only way to free Her.

      For me, my Wild Woman works like the turn of a wheel: Her energy is formed by the natural cycles of Her body, the moon, the sun, and the seasons. She eats when She is hungry and runs and dances when She feels compelled to move. She sleeps when the midnight sings Her its lullabies and She awakens with a jolt of ecstasy for the promise of the day ahead of Her. She travels over the mountains and the valleys of Her life with equal effortlessness.

      Even though she had used her journal entry from earlier for her article piece, it still felt odd to her. These were her most personal feelings written down in her book, and now that they would be on display for almost all of Vegas to see. That didn't exactly sit right with her. In fact, it really rubbed her the wrong way. Of course, she had been thinking of changing it to another theme, but on another side, she wanted everyone to know that woman still had the same rights as everyone else. This whole excerpt that she had been reading over only made her point more forward. Women aren't toys, they are to be respected as any other respectable human being.

      She hadn't blinked since she started reading and thinking of the specific part that she had poured all of her emotion into. Seeing this was a blessing in disguise, being able to finally let all her emotions out as she did the one thing she loved. She didn't exactly know how to let her feelings and thoughts out during speaking, unless with someone she trusted, but when writing and typing, she would go on and on. For the article, she thought of putting a pen name of some sort.

      As an example, she thought of "Sapphire," but that was already an author's name. She also thought of using the first letters of her first and middle name and her surname, but no luck to that since that was unoriginal, because authors such as S.E. Hinton who wrote the coming-of-age story, The Outsiders, and J.K Rowling who was the genius behind the Harry Potter series, both did this. She wanted a pen name; not just to have one, but to keep her name out of the media if this article did, of course, get big.

      If her article did become a success, then she'd have to deal with criticism, confrontation, and some possible embarrassment. Paparazzi coming left and right, asking as to why she wrote it in the first place. That would, with no doubt, be annoying. Answers are in plain sight, yet they still ask idiotic questions. And when they get the plain answers, they twist it into something it wasn't.That exact thought made her shudder. It would make anyone shiver to think about all of that pressure on one person.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2017 ⏰

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