4: Four Toes and a Sandwich

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[That same day at lunch.]

"Hey guys, do you think we could sit next to the new girl? She is sitting over there all by herself," Lily asks Brandon and Danny.

"I don't see why not," Brandon shrugs.

Danny pushes past Lily and Brandon, and smirks. "Don't worry guys, I've got this. We'll be friends with her in no time," he says, as he takes off towards Ayla.

"This should be good," Brandon playfully rolls his eyes. "Do you think she'll be gone by the time we get there?"

Lily laughs. "I don't know. That is what happened last time."

"Yeah, he doesn't really have a filter about anything."

Just as Brandon and Lily join the other two already sitting down at the table, Danny is finishing up his story. "And that is why I only have four toes on my left foot. Anyway what were we talking about again? Oh yeah, I was trying to remember your name. I know it has four letters in it and starts with an 'A.' Wait, let me guess... Is it Axle?"

"Okay," Brandon interrupts Danny, seeing how horrified Ayla's face was after listening to his story. "I see you've meet my good friend Danny, he has no secrets and will tell anything you want to know about him."

"I can show you my foot later, if you want to see it. It doesn't even hurt anymore," Danny adds.

"You're just going to have to trust me that he's a great guy once you get to know him. Anyway moving on, this is Lily. She is the smartest, kindest, sweetest and pretties- she's... she's uhh... she's pretty good at math," Brandon says, nervously scratching the back of his neck. "Anybody would be lucky to have her as a friend. I'm Brandon and there isn't much to say about me."

"So what's your name again?" Lily asks.


"That is a beautiful name. What does it mean?" Danny inquires.

"I don't know," Ayla mumbles.

"Didn't your parents tell you why they named you that? I've never meet anyone else with that name before." Danny further questions.

"Uh... no."

"You don't talk much do you?"


"That's okay," Danny reassures her, before taking a bite into his sandwich.

Ayla takes that time to look over at Brandon and Lily, in hopes that they would say something.

"So why'd you come to our school?" Lily asks.

"I moved to New York with my dad," Ayla answers.

"Why'd you guys decide to come here?" Danny mumbles through his mouth full of food.

"He said that we needed a fresh start," Ayla responds, diverting her eyes down towards her plate.

Brandon furrows his eyebrows together. "From what?"

Ayla silently looks up at Brandon, but is unable to speak.

The three friends watch Ayla, as she begins to open her mouth, but still she is silent.

"You don't have to tell us, if you don't want to," Brandon quickly says.

"Thank you," Ayla mutters.

[Later that day.]

Ayla jumps at the sudden sound from someone greeting her from behind. "Hey Ayla!"

As Ayla turns around from her locker, Lily apologizes. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to know if you'd like to hang out with me on Friday after school."

"Okay," Ayla smiles.

"You can come to my house or we can go to your house if that makes you more comfortable, since we did just meet today."

"It's okay, we can go to your house."

"Great, I'll see you tomorrow!"

A/N: A few important questions were asked in this chapter. Next, Lily and Ayla hang out and we learn more about both of them.

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