Chapter 2: The Seme Becomes the Uke?

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•Levi's POV•

'Eren, watch the apartment. I'll be gone for a while.' I pat Eren's head.

'Wait! Where are you going?' Eren grabs my arm. His face looks so pitiful, it makes me want to say. But I can't show him my weak side.

'Let go of me. I have something to take care of in town.'

'With whom??' Eren's grip tightens. This kid is getting a bit too bratty...

'Tsk, just some old friend. Now will you let me go?' I forcefully pull my hand away from him and walk out the door.

'Levi wait!'


'I.... It's nothing. Take care..' He murmurs with a sad face. This brat is really af handful, making that cute face to threaten me not to leave.

'Oi, stop that.' I approach him and lift his chin up. These green eyes of his are so mesmerizing. Almost hypnotic. The brat suddenly pulls me close to him and kisses me. Looks like he's learned how to use his tongue. He pulls away from me, all bright red and fidgety. I could almost laugh at him.

'I l- love you. Just r- remember t- that.' He manages to stutter out. I let out a big sigh and scratch my head

'You know, if you're going to initiate a kiss, you better be mentally prepared.' I flick his forehead and kiss him goodbye. He waves at me like some kind of wife seeing his husband off to work. I tread on the snow that's piled up on the streets. Ugh, it's really damn cold. I reach the pub where i'm supposed to meet Erwin, but he's not here. How dare he send me a text stating that he's already there yet he really isn't. Screw this, i'm going home

'Where do you think you're going?' A familiar voice speaks from behind and grabs me in an embrace.

'What the actual f*ck Erwin. Get the hell away from me.' I shrug him off.

'Is that the proper greeting to a close friend?'

'It's your fault for making me go out in the dead of winter and not showing up quickly. I have better things to do than play games with you.' I turn my back on him and start walking towards the pub.

'Oh, like screwing your cute boyfriend back home??' He raises one eyebrow and grins. He just said something he shouldn't have.

'You little sh*t. Watch your tongue.' I turn around and grab him by his collar.

'I think you mean big sh*t. Don't forget that i'm taller than you.' He pulls my hands away.

'What do you really want?'

'Just a drink between old peers. And, if possible, a game of darts.

'You? Challenging me to play darts? You're out of your mind.'

'I've changed Levi. I've gotten better at it. Even more better than you.'

'Tch, we'll see bout that.' We simultaneously walk inside the pub and ordered a few drinks just enough to knock us out. How the hell can Erwin hold his liquor so good? I mean, that's already his sixth glass! Or seventh, I lost count already. While here I am, no less than two glasses, and already on the brink of passing out. We even managed to play darts in our drunk state but it ended in a draw. Sh*t I feel so dizzy.

'How 'bout we head home now? You look like you'd pass out any moment now.' He carries me over his shoulder and walks out the pub, onto the snowy streets.

'Release me you perverted piece of trash.' I pound at his head but it barely hurt him. I can't think right, my mind is in shambles. Damn that liquor. Everything is swirling round and round but I recognize this building. I think we're in front of my apartment. He fishes the key out of my pocket and unlocks the door. He lays me on the sofa and starts undressing me.

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