Reverse World Chapter Two

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«Joining The Guild And Obtaining weapon»

After A Long Night

I Prepare My Self And Head Towards The Village

up going to the village there were many things you can hear also some carriage going in and out from the village

the village were surrounded by High Stone Concrete That I think magic is use to build them

and going inside village

there were many things like merchants inn and houses made from wood, rocks and bricks

"first I need to eat"
Going place where I can rest and eat"

Looking at the map and search an INN

There were Foron Inn Abon Inn Jade light inn

Going to where more nearby

is Foron Inn So I head out from the noisy side of the village where merchant zone

walking in the pable road as I reach the inn

going inside of the inn a woman in tall of 5.8 Foot talk to me "Oh, Are you staying for a night or a full day?"

"Ah,How Much is a night?"I ask

"A night is 20 Copper Coins if would you like to add for your food is total of 30 Copper coins"

Eh its too cheep well I think this place is not cheep as it seems

its well cleaned and designed

"But how many days if I pay 1 Gold?"

"1 Gold?!...Hmm 1 Months or so"

eh that long well I take it

"Here" I put a gold coin on the table"

And then she pick the coin and reach something on the drawer

"Here's the Key For Room On The Second Door On the second floor please don't lose it"

"Ah yes, and also I want to have a meal right now "

I said putting the key on my trousers pocket

"Lily~ We have a costumer ready the food" the 5.8 Girl in a maid dress who is looks cute in her black hair and black pupil shout as another girl voice answered

"Yes right away"

up hearing that I headed up upstairs

second room though okay

second ah this is it

I fit the lock on the door as I open *clank*

I head inside and its well designed room though

as I look around inside a there were a compy looking bed side table tables chairs and a room for shower

for a few minutes I look inside a knock I hear

I think its the food I walk forward the door


I open the door as a girl in maid dress and having black hair color and black pupils that looks a like the receptionist

maybe they are siblings but this girl is too young to work maybe she is 10 years old or so

"uhm!...The Meal Is ready please go downstairs to eat"

quickly she panic and say as she quickly go downstairs

what a cute girl but why she is trembling?

Reverse World Where Magic Exist!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora