Reverse World Chapter Eleven

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{ Dwarves village }
{Trouble is everywhere}
°Chapter Eleven°

On the morning the sun rise upon the dome of seven humans

It was a sunny morning with every animals came near the dome some deer and few were rabbits

They were peeking In the dome that where seven humans are sleeping

With the sound of the birds the humans open their eyes

The first is the boy a boy that have deep dark eye in his black shirt and black louse trousers and black robe

He yawn and spread his arms

Quickly the bird get out from the dome and head outside

The man look around and open the dome

He head outside and stretch his arms

He notice the presence of animals

And quickly he look around but only he can see a cute looking rabbits jumping on the pile of hay

"Quick its morning already" hide wake the rest and prepared the table outside

The six sit on the table and prepared their weapons

"I have a good sleep that night"

"Me too" hilia stretch her arms and quickly close it

The big guy wear his armor and kaji prepared the utensils

"Lets have a breakfast" I brought out the leftover ladt night

"Its still steaming?"

"Yeah my item storage stops the time so it still freshly cooked"

"Thats wonderful"

They have taste it again it was warm

"Good for morning breakfast"

After eating we prepared ourselves

I put the self made table and chairs in ym storage

We evacuate the place

"We should be near the mountains right?"

On our view a high mountains that reaching the clouds and a passage way of grass

"Wait it feels something wrong"

"Eh?" I can feel the ground was shaking


Quickly we run back

And a giant Armored Worm pop out from the ground "Shit a high level Monster"

"HUAGAKK!" The Armored Worm shout as it get in the ground again

"Watch out the noise it listen to the noise of foot steps"

[Leader Ship Skill Rise By 2]

[Monitoring Skill Rise By 2]

"Okay" we seven stop walking and the ground stop shaking but on a file of bears run towards near Rain

We are near the forest though

"Shit!" Rain run away

As the ground tremble again

"Did I say dont move!" I quickly run on her

The monster is Coming near

"Rain watch out!" And then the monster came out

We flew up I was holding her

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