I Don't Like Guns

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(Hey Guys! I'm finally updating on time for once! Yay! I also hate making you lovely's wait, just because I'm busy. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter!)

Harleen's POV

I walk into the store, I hear chimes from above me letting the owner know someone has come in. It's right after work Red told me to come to this store after telling me "I'm super dumb and need to learn how to shot" but who cares. It's not like I would ever want to shot a gun anyways.

I look around, it's quite a small store, different guns lining the walls from all sides. I have literally no clue what any of these are. I walk into the middle of the room towards a desk.

Their is glass on top, and inside is an arrangement of different knives. Some are sharp some or not, some are short some are long. I hear someone clear their voice. My head snaps up.

I am looking at a man, he towers over me since I am extremely short. He must've come in by the door behind him.

I meet his warm brown eyes, they look calm and friendly. My eyes move down his face, he has a strong jaw and a stubble. Finally my eyes are drawn to his head where their is a bear hat sitting their.

I smile at him, "I like your hat." I say pointing. "Thanks ma'am" I can tell he has some sort of accent but I'm not really sure where he is from. I just end up staring at him, he raises his eyebrows at me.

He looks confused I don't understand. "What?" I ask confused for myself. "Is their something I can help you with?" He asks.

Oh right! I'm so stupid, I must be the worst customer ever. I've walked
in and complimented his hat, because that isn't weird at all! I sigh. He gives me a warm smile.

" Y-yes, I would like to buy a s-shotgun." I tell him stammering. He smiles at me and guides me toward the other side of the room.

"Which one would you like?" He asks me gesturing towards a wall with guns that are quite long. I cross my arms and look down. "I don't know anything about them," I tell him. "I don't like guns," I say more to myself.

"Well then what are you buying one for?" He asks me, while grabbing one from the wall. As we walk back towards he desk we were just at, I answer "I'm buying this for a friend," I smile at myself,

"he didn't have time to come buy it himself" I tell him. He nods understanding. He scans the gun, and I pull out my debit card and pay for the gun. I watch as he placed the gun in a case, and then into a bag for me.

I take it from him and start walking towards the door. "Next time have your friend come with you,....." He starts, I look at him and smile "Harleen,"

I tell him. "Well it was nice to meet you Harleen," he says.

"Likewise....," I start I've never asked him name yet. He smiles at me again. "Ken," he tells me. "Ken," I agree and wave as I walk outside, he is quite nice. I grab a cab, and get in. It's about 11:00 right now, it's quite late.

"Where too?"

I look up at the driver, through the mirror plastering the biggest smirk ever on my face.

"Arkham Asylum."


I shut the door to the cab and turn towards Arkham Asylum. It's very dark out, making the Asylum look dark. Light only coming from the windows that let you see in the front lobby.

It kind of looks scary. I walk up the steps as my heels click against the pebbles. I open the door, to the very dim room. The Asylum lights stay on at night, but they dim to save power. All the guards are still here, but are now on break. None of them really pay attention to me, as they know I work here and have high power.

I open the door to the hallway and take off my heels, to make less noise since most patients are sleeping. I rub my feet before straightening up, since I have been wheeling them all day.

I start walking forwards toward his cell he can't see me yet, but a few patients saw me already and mumbled a hi. As I get closer to Mister J's cell I began to feel nervous, I hope I got an ok gun. I look into his cell he is still awake but his back is facing me. And he is back in the shirt that holds back his arms.

I clear my throat and he turns too me. A smile instantly breaks out on his face as he walks toward me. "Harley, did you get it?" He asks I lift up the bag, he smiles even wider and meets my eyes. I squat down and slip it through the bars of his cell. I straighten up and meet his eyes again.

"Thank you!" He whispers, a hold the bars beside his head. I nod at him as I feel me cheeks flush. And again what he does next suprizes me and kisses the corner of my mouth.

My stomach exploding in butterflies, as my eyes shut. I open them as he pulls away, but stays close to my face. I blush hard, as I look at him.

"Why kiss the corner of my mouth" I breathe, he has done that twice now why doesn't he just kiss my lips. His eyes flash with lust, but then turn mysterious.

"Be patient." He whispers, "and I would like to hold you when I kiss you." I blush harder. "Well I better go now," I whisper, I feel him breath on me. Making the hair on my neck stand up.

"Come see me before you go into your office?" He asks his eyes clearly have a pleading look in them, I nod and he smiles.

As I turn around and start walking back the way I came, I hear him whistle towards me. I blush, even though I can't see it I know he is smirking.

I step into my apartment, and instantly yawn. I throw my keys on the table and walk into my bedroom.

I pull my hair out and lay down just for a minute before changing. And place my phone beside me. As I close my eyes just for a minute.......




(Hey guys! I'm really happy with this chapter I hope you like it! Did any of you understand who Ken is? I will tell u at the beginning of the next chapter, but you can guess if u like. If you guess it before I post the next chapter, I will shout you out next time! And anyways, comment some date ideas I need them, as well as suggestions if you have any. Vote if you like the story, and if their is anyone you would like to suggest this too, please go ahead! And thank you for reading. See you all next time!)

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