On The Bus

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        Soon the bus had come.  Umi and Marrissa got on.  Marrissa felt a chill go down her spine when she sat down.   Marrissa shivered.  "Are u ok?  You aren't acting like yourself."  Umi said.  Marrissa took a big gulp and shook her head yes.  Umi got her phone out so they could listen to music and take pictures.  As Umi got the EarPuds ready Marrissa felt another chill go down her spine.  She looked over the seats behind her.  No one else was on the bus yet.  "Umi I feel like I am being stalked." Marrissa exclaimed. "How can you be stalked on a bus?" Umi asked. "Simple someone could be acting like a student, it could be the bus driver, someone could be following the bus. Must I go on?!" Marrissa replied. "Good point, still why do you fell like that?" Umi asked. "I keep feeling chills go down my spine. Like I feel when you follow me so you can sneak up on me. Plus I keep seeing a man." Marrissa said. "That's it that's nothing." Umi said in a funny yet worried but sarcastic voice. After that they sat there and talked about marrissa's stalker. Umi used her outstanding drawing skills to draw an image(on the bus on the bumpiest road in town) to draw a picture of the man Marrissa kept seeing. When Umi had finished it looked just like the man Marrissa kept seeing. They soon arrived at the school. They got their bags checked and went through the metal detectors. Marrissa felt another chill go down her spine. "I felt it again I just got a chill." Marrissa said walking to Umi. They started to walk down the hall when Marrissa hit the floor. Umi jumped to action listening for a heart beat and trying to wake up Marrissa. When Marrissa wouldn't wake up Umi picked Marrissa up bridal style and ran down to the nurse battling the crowd that was surrounding them. "Come on you need to wake up. Please I love you too much Marrissa come on wake up." Umi whispered in Marrissa's ear. Umi gave Marrissa a kiss on the forehead.


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