What Happened?

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       Umi raced into the nurses office.  The nurse stood up the minute she saw Marrissa in her arms. The nurse led them into the back room. Umi laid Marrissa down on one of the beds. The nurse felt Marrissa's head and it was burning hot. Umi pulled a chair up next to the bed. She held Marrissa's hand intwined with hers. "So what happened?" The nurse asked walking rapidly back and forth racing to do things. Umi turned away from Marrissa still holding her hand. "I don't know she just collapsed in the hall." She said very uneasy. The nurse handed Umi a cup of water,"Take this, make her lean forward and then try to get her to drink it." Umi shook her head ok. As she struggled to get Marrissa to drink the water her eyes opened. Umi shocked called to the nurse. Marrissa was wheezing trying to catch her breath. She tried to sit up. The nurse gave Marrissa a pillow to help.

Once she had stopped wheezing and calmed down the nurse asked some questions. "Do you have any medical conditions I might need to know about?" Marrissa shook her head no.  The nurse kept going on and on with different questions.  Umi just sat in the corner listening for anything she may need to add or know.  The nurse finished asking questions.  She went over and sat at her desk.  "Hey, sweetheart!" The nurse whispered for Umi.  She walked over and sat down in the chair across from the nurse.  "I asked her questions now I'm gonna ask you."  Umi shook her head as if to say ok.  "Can you give me a replay of what happened up to when she got here?"  Umi pondered in her head.  "Well I wasn't with her all morning.  Being who I am I snuck up on her to scare her when I saw her.  She said she felt like someone was following her, but she thought it was just me.  We hiked up this large hill to our bus stop.  We stood there a little.  She got a chill and turned around she said she had seen someone go behind a tree.  I told her it was nothing, there was a path behind those trees.  She had that feeling of being followed again then and when we were on the bus.  We got here she was find and then she passed out in the hall.  That is it." The nurse wrote some of that down.  She definitely took it into consideration.  "Now, you said she felt like she was being followed three times?" Umi shook her head.  The nurse stood up.  "Maybe that's because she was!"  The nurse ran into a little back room and came back out with a large yellow envelope.  "You won't believe what I'm about to tell you."

Hello my Little Stars, I hope u enjoyed this chapter.  I know I did.  I'm sorry I didn't post this earlier! I had it written and thought I posted it, but that's just it I thought I did! Haha.  So I'm sorry I hope y'all enjoyed please stay tuned for the next chapter. Bye😊✌

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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