Chater : O3 he lied to me </3

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-next day -

Y/N- I took me a shower and cleaning up and fixed breakfast for Chres , like honestly i really love him  , i will do eny thing for him 

- Chresanto pov : i just woke up and i took my shower and i smell eggs and bacon and sausage & so i run down stairs like im a little kid 

'' Moring babe it smelles good in here'' Chresanto 

'' No its just me '' Y/N smiles 

'' No its just the food'' 

''Oh  really now?'' Y/ said to Cchresanto 

'' you know im just  kidding '' Chresanto 

'' I know '' Y/N 

'' it looks good can i severe it today'' Chresanto 

'' sure'' Y/N said smiling

he handed me my plate and we started eating

'' hey bae can u get me some orange juice please'' Chresanto

'' I .. ''Y/N said 

'' GET IT '' Chresanto said in a irratated tone 

'' OK OK! no need to get loud'' Y/N said grabing the orange juice and pour him and her some 

'' YOU KNOW I LIKE IT WITH ICE '' Chresanto 

'' I know i know im getting it '' Y/N said 

'' Here u are my prince '' Y/N said smiling 

'' Prince are u calling my princeton '' Chresanto said in a rude tone

'' NO! im saying like royalty '' Y/N said

'' Oh ok '' Chresanto said

'' yea '' Y/N said 

'' Hey can i go out today '' Y/N said 

'' Why to cheat on me hell no! '' Chresanto 

'' Shopping'' Y/N said 

'' Sure whatever what u getting 

'' These'' Y/N said showing Chresanto the new jays that came out a month a go 

''Yea you know  you have to look fly '' Y/N said 

'' Alright ill be back '' Y/N said  walking to the door

''Get your ass back here and get my plate and yours duh! '' Chresanto said 

'' Oh sorry my mind is slipping '' Y/N 

'' Damn right '' 

got finsihed cleaning up and i drove the mall to cop my new jays yes!

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