Remember Me

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A/N Hey again! Now I know it's taking really long for something to happen but I promise it's gonna get better. I just wanted to provide you with back story of what happened between Hope and Newt and all of that stuff. So let's get started!


It was never planned for the girl to like Subject A5. Heck, they weren't even in the maze yet! This proved that she couldn't handle following directions that we gave her, which was a serious issue. That's why we sent A5 to the Maze, to make her suffer. She had to live without him, although we don't know how this will affect the boy. She made everything so difficult that we never understood her.

We saw the girl through the camera in her room. Her head down on the table sobbing with heavy tears. Pathetic. A5 was going to be fine over our watch. All we needed was her to forget him.

Hope's POV

I can't live without him, I thought to myself. I can't I can't I can't! My words screamed throughout my head. I looked up at my monitor and saw Newt's face one last time. My arm swung at the screen and I knocked over the monitor from my desk. It went flying to the ground, little pieces of glass everywhere, the whole thing destroyed. I looked at the pieces curiously, my tears drying up on my cheeks. I got up from my chair and kneeled down on one knee. I picked up a piece of the screen and looked into it. My face looked so tired and so stressed. I threw the piece back on the floor. He's gone.

I walked to my bed and fell on it. I held my pillow to my face. And soon I fell asleep.

3 Years Later

You'll find me. You'll find me.

I stood in the middle of a... Maze? I heard his voice clearly now. It was Newt. I had to find him. But where was he?

I put my hand on one of the walls. The stone was cool against my skin. I started running keeping my right hand on the wall. I kept running for hours, my legs started to grow weak. My vision started to blur until I saw him. He was standing against one of the walls.

His eyes looked into mine. I smiled. I used the last of my energy and I ran to hug him. But I fell to the ground, my face hitting the concrete. He disappeared from me! Where did he go?

I got up from the ground. A shooting pain went through my head and then it disappeared. Wait, who was I looking for? I just freaking saw him!

Why can't I remember anything? What's happening? Where am I?

At least I remember my name. Hope. That's a good start. But I have so many questions. Ugh! I pounded my fist on the wall.

Another jolt of pain went through my head. And this time it stood. A voice started to speak in my head.

WICKED is good. WICKED is good.

I held my head in both of my hands. And as the pain kept increasing in my head, I fainted onto the cold stone floor.


I jolted awake to darkness. The room that I was in was moving. I started to breathe heavy. Where was I? I looked down below me and saw red lights. I scooted back until my back hit a metal gate. There was no escape. My eyes soon adjusted to the faint light.

Crates made out of wood were sitting next to me. Through the light that was barely provided I saw a knife laying by me. I picked it up curiously. Two thoughts quickly went through my head: 1. Kill myself and 2. Use it as protection. I went for protection, there was no point in killing myself.

The box that I assumed I was in, stopped about thirty minutes later. I held the knife in my right hand. I heard a loud click and then I was blinded by a light. I held my left hand to my eyes.

A boy came down to me. He was an Asian kid with white complected skin. His eyes widen at the sight of me. Boys from above called down to him.

"Hey, Minho! What does the shank look like?"

"Does the greenbean look like it's gonna klunk in it's pants?" I heard a few snickers from above. What did those words mean? Shank, klunk and greenbean

"It's a girl." The Asian kid said again.

Questions bursted into a conversation between so many voices. I held the knife still.

The kid, Minho I believe, held his his hands out to me as in surrender. "I'm not gonna hurt you, shank." He said to me. I held the knife closer to my heart.

Another boy jumped down into the box. He had dirty blonde hair and crazy shaped eyebrows. He looked at me with the same wide eyes.

"You have to get up greenbean, can't stay in the box forever." He said.

I gripped the knife tighter in my hand. I didn't take much time to think so I just threw the knife at both of the boys, not caring which direction it went, and I climbed out of the box using the metal chained gates.

I got out of the box and started to run until I ran into someone. I fell on top of them and we both rolled on the ground. I coughed as dirt got into my mouth but I started to get up fast. Until the boy that I knocked down got up too and he grabbed my arm. I tryed to shake him off until I saw his face. Those brown eyes staring into mine and his blonde hair the way I remembered it. Newt.

I hugged him so tight that he probably couldn't breathe. Tears came to my eyes and I felt like my whole life was fixed. The next thing I knew, he pushed me off him. My back hit the ground and he stood up over me, staring at me like he confused.

"What's wrong with you greenie?" He asked in his British accent. I realized something at that moment. He didn't even remember me.

A/N SHE'S FINALLY IN THE MAZE! It took a while but it happened! Please comment and vote!

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