Chapter One: Room Thirty-seven

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Mason Briggs walked up and down the halls of the London Marriott Hotel. He knocked on doors where lights were still on, in hopes of finding the next Holmes. So far he was unlucky, but he was determined to be the one to find who ever it was. Being the youngest working in the Holmes Mansion no one believed he would be able to know a Holmes when they were in front of him. He sighed and looked at the crack under the door of the next room, checking for a light. He stood up straight and knocked on the door.

" Room service. "

" Come on in. " A faint voice called from inside.

He opened the door and there sat a girl with black curly hair and tan skin at a desk. She turned around and smiled at him slightly before returning to whatever she had been doing before.

He sighed and went over to the trash bin and removed the bag that was full of crumpled papers.

" You look a bit young to be working here... Still a highschool student, yes? "

Mason looked up quickly at the girl, her accent was obviously American which most would assume would make her less likely to be Holmes material, but she guessed his age quite well.

" Well, not everyone can afford to just leave America to stay in one of London's finest hotels. " He said placing a new bag in the trash bin.

" Yes, but you don't seem to really need money... Nice watch by the way. " She said nodding at the gold watch on his wrist.

He grinned as she turned around to the desk. He grabbed the phone he hid in between the towels on the cleaning cart.

Found them.

" May I ask your name? "

" Constanza, but I go by Connie. After so long you get sick of people mispronouncing your name. " She sighed, not looking up from the desk.

" Makes sense. " Mason said while looking into the hallway for the others.

When he looked back in Connie was no longer in her seat. He looked around the room quickly before he felt the cold metal against his throat.

" Who are you working for? Because it is in no way this hotel. "

" Holmes. I work for the Holmes. "

" Holmes... Like Sherlock Holmes? Nice try. "

He sighed and held his chin up. He grabbed her wrist quickly and flung her onto the bed. She quickly rolled off the bed to the side opposite of him, knife no longer in her hand after being thrown.

" Sherlock Holmes was not a real man, but the Holmes are real people. Of course they have died over the years but there has always been a new one selected. " Mason explained quickly.

" So the current one is dying. "

" Exactly, and I am one of many searching for the next Holmes. "

" So why talk to me? If it is based on Sherlock shouldn't it be a boy? "

" We aren't sexist. The Holmes Mansion is run by a woman in fact. "

She shrugged and nodded as he slowly walked towards her. She quickly jumped onto the bed and used the bounce to end up on the other side of the room. She quickly ran out of the room, leaving Mason standing there grinning. He really did find one, he had found a Holmes. He followed her quickly, hoping that someone else might have caught her.

They didn't. She had managed to get past every single person that was searching for her. So within hours everyone was searching the streets of London, and two people stayed at the hotel in case she returned. But Mason had found her, Mason found the next detective Holmes.

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