Cuddling Somewhere

585 22 2

(Canon Universe)

(Sentences that are italic are thoughts)

(Zeref joined fairy tail)

3rd Person's P.O.V

"Finally ! They are gone." Macao sighed.

"Who?" Lisanna asksed

"Zeref & Mavis of course!"

The silver haired girl tilted her head to the side, confusion written over her face.

" Why would you be happy that they are gone? Zeref isn't a bad guy anymore and Mavis is such a sweet girl! I don't understand , why you would be happy." she said with a frown.

"I don't mean it like that!It's's hard to explain."

" What he really wants to say is , that he is jealous of them."Wakaba  answered for him.

" What?! I never thought that you would like Mavis?Or is it Zeref? Could it be that you are gay?." she nearly screamed

"I never thought that he would be gay , not that it is a bad thing or anything! But he has a wife to be exact ,too."

"NO! No! It's not like that!"Wakaba slammed his hand against the table , making everybody look at him with curious faces.

But then a table flew against Erza's face and everybody was shaking like crazy.

And everything went to it's normal routine.

Natsu and Gray were fighting .

Erza was kicking everyone close enough and Elfman was constantly repeating that he is a man!

"Alright.."Macao said with a heavy sigh.

" Everytime Mavis & Zeref are together they are acting all lovey dovey!And yes of course I am happy for them , but it is getting annoying ....and it's reminding me of , how old I am." he whispers the last part.

"I see...But where are actually Mavis and Zeref right now?"

✿At a hill✿

Still 3rd Person's P.O.V

Mavis and Zeref were cuddling on top of the "sunflower" hill.

(A/N: Made it up xD)

"I love you Mavis" he whispered and Mavis just barely heard it.

"I love you , too" Mavis said with pink tinted cheeks.

Mavis P.O.V

"Zeref is so warm."

I hug him tighter , but he fortunately didn't notice.

Cuddling with him is probably my favourite thing ever!

I think I even like it more then fairies.

And I'm really happy that everything turned out right, too!

Zeref joined fairy tail and everybody seems to accept him.

I'm really glad....

And all of a sudden I start uncontrolaby smiling out of nowhere.

"What makes you so happy to smile about it like that?"He asked









"You"I giggle

With that Zeref heavely blushed and began to stutter uncontrolaby.

"W-What? E-eh.... Thank you.. I g-guess?"

I couldn't help but giggle at his flustered face.

I kiss him on the cheek and smile brightly at him.

He hugged me tighter and kissed me on the forehead.

"Thank you" the raven haired boy whispered.

"Thank you for what?" I ask him  confused.

"Thank you for everything. For being the light, that got me out of the darkness. Thank you for accepting my feelings. Thank you for......!"

He kept rambling all kinds of thank yous making me blush fifty shades of red.

I silenced him with kissing him on the lips.

I quickly pull back and say"You're welcome."

He gave me a gentle smile and hugged me even tighter.

But I don't really mind...In fact I love it!

This is really the best.

Cuddling with him makes me feels so safe.

Makes me feel so..










YAY!I did it :D

But ohhh gawwwdd... this is so much fluff⚆ _ ⚆

And I don't even know what's with the first part....>_>

I wanted it to be like a introduction into this chapter...

But I think I failed xD

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ( ゚ヮ゚)

Vote, Comment & Share if you did :3

Bye bye!


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