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[Author's Note: So it begins. A brand new story that I hope you will all enjoy - I haven't forgotten about TDSoF, don't worry. For those of you who have read my other works, thank you for taking the time to humor me by reading this as well; for anyone new to my works, I appreciate any feedback you have to offer, and I thank you for taking the time to read my latest endeavor. And without further ado...let us begin.]


Prologue: Ithuriel


She sat with him in the darkened corner of a little café, unable to look at him for fear of weakening her resolve. Instead, she took a swallow of her too-hot coffee, scalding her lips.

She cursed, simultaneously setting her drink back on the table with her left hand and raising her right to probe at her tender mouth. He instantly fished an ice cube out of his iced mocha and, much to her surprise, pressed it against her lips. In her shocked state, she made the crucial mistake of looking at him. The moment their eyes connected, she knew that her life would never be the same.

She was wrong, though. It wasn't until later, when his lips met hers, that everything changed. And even though she'd scalded herself mere moments before, his kiss is what truly burned. The heat sizzled between them, and the way his mouth melded to hers seared itself into not only her mind, but also her skin.

The remainder of an ice cube passed from his lips to hers, and his kiss embedded itself into everything that she is. Like all burns - at least the dangerous ones - the touch of cold drove it deeper. Her lips weren't marred - not that you could see, at least - but the surface told a different story than the layers beneath. They would accept no other's touch, nor would they accept his fate or the role that she was obligated to play in it.

With one kiss he had managed to emblazon himself onto her very sear himself into every fiber of her being. He was the kiln in which she had been turned into molten liquid and the fire in which she had been reforged.

She couldn't run from him, so instead she would run from herself...herself and everything that she had ever stood for.

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