Picture Perfect

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[Quick Author's Note: Hey, guys! So here's the latest chapter, I hope you all enjoy it! It's fairly lengthy, so I hope it tides you over for a bit. :)

Thank you to those of you who have transferred over from The Dark Side of Family and started reading this as well, I appreciate your dedication. And thank you to anyone new who is reading this. I appreciate that you take the time to read my work. It means so much, and I hope I do not disappoint you.

This chapter has a lot of build-up, and a lot of introduction, and a little bit of background. Bear with me, guys. Without further ado...enjoy! And let me know what you think of her dad. ;) ]


"Mel!" someone screamed, jerking me out of my thoughts. I looked around and suddenly realized that I was home. I'd been so lost in thoughts of Grayson that I had forgotten where I was and what I was doing.

"What, Vee?" I asked when my eyes lighted on my sister Vierolin.

"What are you daydreaming about? Shouldn't you be off scouting 223-06-1001?"

"Don't call him that," I snapped. "He's a person, not a number."

"Fine. Caverly, then," she replied. "Why are you being so weird?"

"Weird? I'm not being weird. What do you mean, how am I being weird? I'm not being weird!" I rambled, sounding more than a little hysterical even to myself.

She laughed. "You are being weird, and that's exactly what I mean. What's up, little sister?"

"Nothing's up," I said defensively.

Vierolin sighed, shaking her head in my general direction. "Fine, Mel. Be that way...but when you decide you want to talk, let me know."

"What are you two doing?" Rachana snapped as she entered the room.

"Talking. Is that a crime now?" Vierolin retorted.

"Ignore her," I said. "She's got a cactus shoved up her unmentionables, it's why she's acting so prickly. You know, like always."

"Shut up, Mel," Rachana sneered.

"Fine, I'm leaving, then."

"Let us know when we can kill him, 'kay?" Vierolin called after me, her sunny disposition getting on my nerves now even more than Rachana's bitchiness.

I walked out of the living room and into the office, intending to read his file. I'd tried what seemed like a thousand times, but every time I attempt it, I can't get past the picture. Each file we get contains the details - name, age, address, habits, career; achievements, goals, future ...and reason for termination. Each file also contains an eight-by-ten color photo of the target, for identification purposes. And it was this photo that had been causing me extreme torment; who would have thought that something so small could ruin my entire life?

Taking a deep breath, I sat at the desk and grabbed my copy of the folder.


My father's voice broke through my concentration, startling me so badly that I nearly jumped out of my skin. I looked up to find him standing by the window. I hadn't even noticed he as in the room, and I mentally scolded myself for my lack of observation.

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