*3 When the day met the night

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I wrote this while hearing Panic!'s 'When the day met the night' so yeah.. You'll see heh.

*Dan's POV*
I went outside. It was a sunny day, so I quickly walked to the shadows. I saw Phil step out the doors, his pale skin looked like it was almost shinning! Howw? He was so beautiful! Wait, where was my mind going with this?? I waved till he saw me. A smile took over his face. He came closer.
"Hey!" He said.
"Hi!" We began walking.
"-wait where are we going?"
"Let's just sit by that bench over there." I pointed at a small wooden bench.
"Who gets there first?" He yelled and started running Naruto-style. I did as he, but he had started before and won.
"Yayy!" He said victoriosly. He was so cute! What? A boy can say like that about another boy, right??

We figured out we'd go to my place after school. Phil and I had just become friends, but it felt like we were going to be friend forever!! Phil was just my type in all ways there were! ...type of friend of course.
"Do you want an ice cream? It's on me." Phil asked.
"Sure!!" I love at good ice cream, the ones they sell in the school are actually fine.

*Phil's POV*
We went inside again. I was a bit happy, I get so easly sunburned! I bought the ice cream and we sat eating 'em when the bell rang. Ringgg.. We had bio-geo, so we went together. We sat at our table.

"Okay class, you'll just work on your presentasions. Go go."
"Well.." Dan looked at me.
"Yeah, we're almost done. We'll just finish it today."
"Let's start then." Dan smiled.

We finished and sat talking for the rest of class. I really enjoy being with Dan, he make me smile and just be happy. That is truely a nice feeling.

*timeskip to end of school*
We walked for Dan's place, we had a lot of videogames to play! We had so much in common. We had played Sonic for hours when we went on to Mariocart. Dan won huge, he must have practised a lot!
"Should we crab something to eat?" Said Dan after his 4th victory.
"Oka" We went down the stairs. We ate the food Dan's mom had put aside for us. It was quite good!

*Dan's POV*
"Can we go for a walk? I need a bit of fresh air.." I asked. We went outside. There was a park two min. from my place so we went into that.
"Can we sit down a bit?" Phil pointed at a bench and we sat down. I looked at Phil. His eyes were like four different colours, his black dyed hair was the same fringe as mine, just till the other side. The sun was just about to pass the moon on the way down.
"Hey Phil?"
"Yeah Dan?"
"I really like being by your side." WHY DID I SAY THAT?!
"I truely hope that we could stay like this forever!" At this point the sunset went golden and we both looked to the sky admirering.
"Wow." We said at the same point.
"Can we go back here at some point?" Phil looked at me with his big beautiful eyes.
"Yes." Phil took my hand and we went back. None of us really commented the hand-holding and I desided to let it be.
"I better get back." Phil said.
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." I had the widdest smile on my lips.

*Phil's POV*
What just happened?..

Yayy! I made another chapter! I really like writing this!! I like the thing with the song, should I make all the chapters come from a song?? I may do that! ..oh well^_^

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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