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Darkness. It surrounds me, suffocating me. Normally I would enjoy the darkness for it brings peace and solitude for those who need it. I've never feared the Dark. Until now. How could I not fear something that whenever I see it I can not help but here the tortured screams of Innocents and smell only Death. Death I have never feared but like Darkness I now fear it with the very core if my being. I used to see Death as a point in which a person transcends into whatever lies beyond. Yet now as I see the horrific  that mankind is capable of doing, I fear that should I die now it would be in the most inhumane way that only humans are capable. Gone is the Night's Lullaby in its place stands only the imprinted memory Innocents dying screams. What once was a Friend is now so Twisted and Warped that I can not see anything, insignificant or not, familiar. What has happened to such an untouchable, holy sanctum and leave only a cage of Death and Despair. What was once an escape from the harsh Reality of Today is now a Horrid Fate that can only be described as Hell on Earth. Which in turn makes me question was the Dark ever for me?

A collection of my dark creepy and random poemsWhere stories live. Discover now