The Time Keeper's Lament

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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Do you hear that? It's the sound of life fading away. The sound of everything you love becoming nonexistent. The sound of fear. The howling of despair and anguish. The screams of slaves getting whipped by their masters. The preaching of the White Man's Burden around the world. The voices of Africans singing to their Gods and worshipping their land. The hush of day fading into darkness. The defiance of MLK giving a speech. The hatred of Hitler's anti-Jew speeches. The deafening roar of the bombs being dropped on Hiroshima. The sound of fighting for your country. The sound of gunshots fired in the streets. The sound of the KKK raiding Black neighborhoods. The sound of the Alamo. The cries of Mexican immigrants who were all deported back into their miserable lives in Mexico. The scribbling of my pen going across this very paper. It is the sound of time. No one can escape it. Time is the single most powerful force in this world. Time can not be tricked. Can not be cheated. Can not be stolen. Can not be given. And time can not stop.

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