Chapter 3

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Evans POV
Poor Lui. I thought snickering as Jon and Tyler gave him the death glare. I focused back on the game as Mini spun the bottle. It landed on Amanda. "Oh hello no!" Marcel growled protectively wrapping his arms around her. "Nobody touches my sister other than me and Marcel." I snapped glaring at Mini. He nervously laughed and sunk down. Amanda stayed silent, only letting out a faint laugh. I noticed Jon and Tyler saw me snap, I swear I heard Tyler whisper to David and a few others next to him. "Pretty damn scary when he's mad~" Tyler purred at the end. I blushed looking away. This time Amanda spun it, it landed on Luke. "No! No!" I growled glaring at Luke. Luke put his hands in the air, "I surrender!" Marcel then bursts in a laugh. I rolled my eyes getting up and headed over to Sean, Brian and Bryce. "What you guys up to?" I asked curiously. "Oh, nothing." Bryce rolled his eyes smiling. I glared at him, raising an eyebrow. "What is it Bryce?" I demanded. "Only that Tyler, Mark..I think. And Jon are fighting over you and... We're betting on who'll win. I think Jon. Sean, Mark. And Brian Tyler." Bryce laughed seeing my redden face. "You think I haven't noticed?" I chuckled looking away. Sean replied. "No. We guessed Ye already saw it." Brian only smirked. I rolled my eyes. Evan. You know you'll have to choose one day.
( I was listening to Stay With Me by Sam Smith and it was depressing D'X)
David's POV (after party)
"Alright, these are the people staying over night.." I explained to Lui grabbing a piece of paper. "Tyler, Jon, Evan.." Oh that'll be a joy. Poor Evan. "Bryce, Brock, Craig, You, Brian, Marcel, Amanda, Luke, Cody.. And that's it I think." I sighed tired. "Ok. I'll go join everyone in the living room. Their playing Twister." Lui cheered in his squeaker voice. I chuckled shuffling the papers in a pile. "I better separate Evan, Tyler and Jon." I mumbled making sure nobody was there to we me talking to myself.
Jon's POV
I sat next to Evan, my arm protectively wrapped around him. Evan didn't seem to mind. Which I was happy about. I saw Tyler glare, I snickered. Evan seemed to relax in my arms. Then he placed his head on my chest, slowly Drifting into o sleep. "I'll carry him to his bed." Tyler volunteered gently snatching Evan from me, he vanished upstairs with the fragile Canadian in his arms. I growled. My blue ocean eyes gleaming.
Tyler's POV
Hell yes! I thought and gently placed Evan on his cot. I kissed him on the cheek, and his chocolate brown eyes rose. "Huh?" He mumbled looking up at me. "Oh, I'm sorry did I wake you?" I murmured. "Yes. But, I don't care. Where's Jon?" He asked me, "downstairs playing twister. He ditched you just to play with Luke." I growled then kindly looked at him, "oh.... Ok..... Thanks Tyler. And mind of i... Sleep with you tonight? I'm cold." He asked me sadly. "Of course." I murmured planting another kiss on his forehead. "Anything for you Evan." I purred. We then got in my bed together, I cuddled him up in my strong muscular arms, making sure he was warm. He glanced up at me, smiled and drifted to sleep. There's no way Jon will have him now.

Spicy. Do you guys like it so far?? If so yey.

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