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Dan felt the train rattling over the tracks around him as he gazed out his car's window absentmindedly, his chin resting on the palm of his hand as he leaned back in the seat to rest his feet upon the empty space opposite him. He could hear the sweets trolley rolling down the hall and the nice woman carting it asking the nervous first years if they wanted something, as the older students figured that actively seeking her out was the best way to get what they wanted before it was gone.

Dan remembered the first time she had rolled around to his car. Him and his new friends - who he couldn't remember the names of now - had been laughing to one another about something when the car door slid open and the plump woman smiled kindly at them. All of Dan's friends had gotten something, but when they all looked to Dan, he just shook his head, saying he didn't really want any, when actually, he didn't have the money to buy any of those things; his parents hadn't known.

"What do you mean you won't go shopping with us?" his girlfriend and her friends questioned him when he turned down a trip to Hogsmeade. He just shrugged and said he wasn't feeling good, but yet again, he didn't have the money, for his parents didn't know. Dan was able to scrape together a small amount of money throughout the year, however, determined to buy his closer friend something for Christmas.

It wasn't until spring rolled around when someone asked the right questions at the wrong time, finding out Dan's unbeknownst secret.

Dan had gotten a letter from his mother, saying that his brother had fallen ill, and that they wouldn't be able to travel for his birthday that year. Getting the news caused Dan to let his guard fall along with his mood.

"Wait, Dan, can't you guys just use the Floo Network? And why don't your parents just whip up a Pepperup to get rid of the bug?" someone had asked him during supper.

"Because they can't do that," Dan replied, picking at his food.

"What do you mean?" they questioned, their eyes glancing to one another.

"They can't use magic, they're just regular people. We have to fly or drive for trips," Dan said casually.

"Your parents are muggles?" one practically spat. Dan hesitated before he looked around at his friends.

"Yeah?" he said wearily, slouching a bit in seat and watching his friends' expressions.

It happened quickly, Dan wasn't ready for it. They all gave a collective nod before getting up and moving somewhere else down the table, some sending disgusted glances his way. The empty spaces around him were now getting confused looks; Dan soon felt alienated within his own house.

Dan remembered crying in the lavatory that night after everyone had gone to sleep, partly because he was humiliated, but mostly because the rumor spread around the Slytherin common room so fast, that he found himself locked out when he headed back to retire for the evening.

The cries of the train whistle pulled Dan out of his thoughts as the train slowed to a stop. He could hear the chatter from the other cars grow louder as everyone excitedly hummed about the new year, but Dan just sighed, grabbing his small leather satchel from the overhead compartment and slinging it over his shoulder. He waited for everyone to depart from the train before exiting himself.

He lagged behind the large groups, not wanting to get too close, in hesitation that others would notice him. However, his attempts were in vain.

"Hey! It's Mudblood Howell!" he heard from somewhere up ahead. His eyes shot up to see a group of Slytherins laughing back at him.

They all mocked intimidation when Dan narrowed his eyes and reached for his wand, but he ultimately sighed and let his hand fall back down to his side, knowing it was pointless to pick battles over such trivial things. Instead, he'd wait for his opportunity, knowing it would come soon enough. Turning off the path, he decided to cut through the forest, hoping to avoid anymore insults from purebloods who thought of him as nothing more than disgusting.

Kiss the Sun and Moon - PhanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora