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Phil wasn't quite sure what had happened, but to say that he felt bad was an understatement. He sat idly in Divination until the class was let out, wringing his hands together before standing to collect his things as everyone filed out of the room. 

"He left his bag," Phil turned to see Professor Trelawney pointing to the chair Dan had been sitting in several minutes ago. Phil went around the table and pulled the worn bag out from under the chair, noticing its weight and wondering just what Dan was toting around all the time. But that wasn't Phil's place, so he just grabbed Dan's Divination book and slid it into the bag between two notebooks, making sure not to crush anything or peek inside. 

While Phil was a bit curious as to why a wizard was using notebooks instead of parchment, he told himself to mind his own business and go find Dan as soon as possible, as he'd probably be looking for it. 

"Have a nice day, Professor," Phil waved before leaving the room, hearing her confused murmurings as he made his way down the long flight of stairs. While on his way, he thought about Dan, it being obvious that he'd be on his mind after what just happened. 

Phil couldn't help but notice the way Dan didn't really move a lot, Phil observed him quietly when he pulled his book out of his bag. Everything was very mechanical and minimal as if he was trying to stay as still as possible. Phil had also noticed the way the rest of the class laughed when Professor Trelawney asked if he didn't have any friends. Did Dan not have any friends? If not, why? Dan was very curious to Phil. 

Phil was so engrossed in his thoughts, he almost missed the dark fringe walking straight passed him. He whipped around to see the dark billow of Dan's robe flowing behind him as he quickly made his way back to, what Phil assumed, was the Divination room. 

"Dan!" Phil called, causing Dan to trip up and turn around, deep chocolate eyes meeting his in a defensive manner. 

Until he realized it was just Phil, in which he sighed and turned, "What?"

He didn't sound too thrilled to see Phil, who was smiling softly at, what appeared to be, the annoyed Slytherin. 

"I have your bag," Phil said, letting the strap slide off his shoulder and into his palm. "Professor Trelawney said you left it, and I figured I shouldn't trust it with anyone else nor leave it there." 

Dan stepped forward cautiously and took the bag from Phil's hand before slinging it over his shoulder, muttering a hushed "thanks." 

It was quiet for a moment, Dan scuffing his shoes against the ground while Phil chewed his bottom lip. 

"I'm sorry," Phil started, catching Dan's attention and causing him to look up from his feet. "About what I said. I didn't mean to make you upset or bring something bad like that up. It wasn't my place and, again, I'm really sorry." 

Dan studied Phil's expression for a while and Phil wished he knew what was going through his head at that moment. 

"Whatever," he just shrugged, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jeans. Phil seemed a bit taken aback, not sure what to do with Dan's response. He knew Dan didn't have to forgive him, what he did was pretty rude, and he felt really bad about it, but he didn't want to leave Dan on bad terms and in sour spirits. He seemed like he had it rough enough already. 

"So," Phil said, feeling butterflies in his stomach when he saw the glint in Dan's eyes. "Where are you headed to?" 

Dan looked mildly amused, and shrugged in a bored manner, "Quidditch trials."

Phil took the bait for conversation, "Oh! Have you been on the team before?" 

Dan just nodded, not saying any more on the topic, eyes still locked with Phil's, almost daring him to say anything more. Phil was a quiet for a moment, taking the time to study Dan closely for the first time. Phil tried not to stare, knowing it was rude, but he was just so captivated by the simplistic, yet admirable,  features that Dan possessed. 

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