Chapter Forty: An Emergency

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17:06 26/11/2001

"Yes?" The voice at the other end of the phone was tired and nonchalant, and Theodore felt as if he could have hit them. "What can I help you with?"
"Yes, hello," he said, trying to keep his tone steady. "It's Theodore Taite, phoning from Port Lennings."
There was the sound of a pencil scratching, and the voice at the other end replied,
"Okay; that's Taite spelt-"
"It doesn't matter how it's spelt!" Theodore couldn't hold in his frustration any longer. "The child I'm looking after is missing!"
There was a stunned silence, and he continued, "And I'd like to request permission to go after her before she dies."
"Ah, uhh..." The person at the other end sighed. "I'm afraid I don't have the authority to-"
"No shit, Sherlock. Just connect me to someone who can, please." Theodore could feel his voice rising again.
He really didn't want to have to go through this.
He'd first become worried... Well, actually, he was always worried about Lucille. If he could only slay Fidèle and take her back to Principia, things would be fine. There, she wouldn't have to conceal her training, and she'd be able to act like a kid, for once. She couldn't do that in this town, and here, there wasn't ever a time when he didn't worry about her.
But, when half an hour had passed after the end of the school day had finished, he was getting truly worried. Yes, it was sometimes possible for her walk home to take longer than that, but it wasn't normal.
And it was dark that day. There were more things that could happen in the dark.
However, he'd resolved that he wouldn't assume the worst until he was sure.
So he'd left the house, looking for her. Could she perhaps have gotten lost on her way? It was always possible, with her memory.
However, he couldn't find a trace of her on the route to her school, or anywhere in between.
Now, he was really worried.
He'd hurried home, and phoned the Praedatori. He needed permission before he could go back into Fidèle's lair, but it was just wasting time now.
Time he could be using to find Lucille.
There was a beep at the other end of the line, and an unfamiliar voice said,
"Head of Tabulae, how can I help you?"
Theodore raised his eyebrows. When last he'd checked, Ling had been in that position.
That had been a while ago, though.
"Yes," he said. "Theodore Taite here; I'd like to request permission to initiate an emergency attack on a Lamia."
"What's this for?"
Theodore sighed.
"It doesn't matter; I just need permission-"
"Did you mention where you were?"
"Permission, please. It's an emergency."
There was a pause, and the head of Tabulae continued,
"Even so, sir, I need the details. What's your location?"
"I'm sorry, but I really don't have time for this. A life happens to be at stake here, and I'd really appreciate it if you would hurry before they died."
The head of Tabulae sighed.
"Yes, sir, I understand, but I just need this information first-"
"Look, I don't know who you are, but-"
"My name is-"
"I didn't want to know. And I understand that you need the paperwork, but this is just wasting time, and I have already mentioned that someone is likely to die if I don't get there soon."
There was silence at the other end of the line, and Theodore continued, "Now, if you please, I'd appreciate it if you could give me permission to launch an attack on this Lamia, and I'll answer all your questions later."
"Sorry," The head of Tabulae paused. "But I don't have the authority to-"
"Then connect me to someone who does! For fuck's sake!"
"Alright, alright. Please wait a moment."
Theodore didn't have a moment. God, they were slow! Did they realise how slow they were, how much time they were wasting? Probably not.
There was the sound of a phone being picked up, and Theodore sighed with relief.
"Finally! Can I please-"
"Greetings, Taite."
Theodore froze. This had to be a joke. Why had they connected him to the Gemini? This was ridiculous.
"Uh, Sir," he said, flustered. "I must request permission to attend the lair of Fidèle in Port-"
Theodore's eyes widened. It couldn't be this simple.
"But sir-"
"If you requested it, it's most likely important. Unless you're not in a rush-"
"I am."
He waited for a response, but heard only  a click at the other end of the line. He slammed the phone down, and rushed out.
He would have to hurry if he wanted to save Lucille.

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