The first person

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"Ah......!",a sound of horror was heard clearly in the night. Karry and Roy woke up with a jolt upon hearing the scream. They rush out to the direction of the sound and saw a dead body hanging on one of the fan that is along the corridoor.

"What happened Peter?", Roy asked.

"I......I saw a black shadow hang John on the fan and......and disapear!",Peter said with a
trembling voice."All right, all right! Everyone, go back to your room and sleep!", the teachers came and said to everyone.

Roy rolled his eyes and told Karry that if he can rewind and go back to the past,he will never choose to come to this school.  Someone just died! And they expect us to sleep?!

Suddenly a voice that sound like Jackson came,"This is the first person..."

"Peter,did you hear that?", Karry and Roy asked Peter at the same time. "Hear what?",Peter asked. "Nothing, nothing.", Karry said. When Peter asked them what did they hear,he then realise that only him and Roy can hear the voice.

The voice came again,"This is the first person......there will be more......"

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