chapter one

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Story by CassieWhitaker8

Kat's POV: Here is just a little something to catch everyone up, I'm Kat and I've been married to the great Andy Bier sack for five years now and my best friend Jade as been married to Ashley Prudy for also five years. Andy and I have a two year old named  Violet and Jade and Ashley have a five year old named Charlie. Black Veil Brides split up four years ago because the guys knew it was time for them to all settle down and start their families. Every now and then Andy preforms a concert for Andy Black but not very often just so his fans aren't completely upset. Jade lives in California with Ashley but Andy and I had decided to live in Ohio, of course we all visit very often but sometimes things just have to change.

"Mommy" I heard Violet say as she tugged on my shirt.

"Yes" I asked her.

"I hungry"

"Go ask Daddy to give you some fruit snacks" I said and she ran off.

She looked absolutely adorable running away with those little legs. Violet has my type of hair, dirty blonde and quite wavy. Well anyways that's what I was born with, now my hair is rainbow at the moment.

"Daddy can I have poptart" I heard her ask from the kitchen.

"Yes you can have poptart" I heard him laugh at her horrible English but hey she's only two.

"Can I have strawberry"

"Yes" he said and the next think I know she was running back into the living room where I was with a poptart.

"You were supposed to get fruit snacks" I said laughing.

"Bad daddy, daddy give me poptart" he said scrunching her face up and I laughed.

"BAD ANDY" I yelled and he walked in and sat on the couch with me.

"What did I do this time" he asked smiling.

"Bad daddy gave me poptart"

"You asked for a poptart"

"Mommy said fruit snacks"

"Well you said poptart"

"Bad daddy" she said winning the argument.

"I'm going to take Violet to the store so we can go grocery shopping are you coming" I asked him.

"Sure I'll come, let me go get my shoes"

I watched as he left and I started to get Violet ready. I put on her fluffy winter coat and her nice warm little hat and socks and shoes on and then I got myself ready.

"I'll drive, I don't want you to have to drive on the icy roads" Andy said to me.

"Thank you" I replied.

"Let's get into the car"

I picked up Violet and we walked to the car and I put her in her seat and buckled her in. Next I got into the passenger seat and Andy got into the drivers seat and started the car and turned on the heat.

"Drive slow" I said as it started to snow.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you two safe" he said and I smiled.

We got to the store and Andy had decided to carry in Violet because he didn't want me to worry about slipping with her. He put her into the seat of the cart and I took her hat off of her so she wouldn't get too hot and I pushed the cart around in the store.

"What food shall we get" I asked.

"POPTARTS" Violet yelled and I laughed as people looked at us.

"Mommy we get poptart?" She asked and I laughed.

"Yes we get poptart" I replied and she smiled.

"Bad Daddy gave me poptart earlier"

"Yes I know he did"

Andy was dying from laughter, she always talks like this but she never calls him Bad Daddy I think that was what was so funny to him.

"Can you go get the pull ups and some apple juice while I get eggs and yogurt" I asked.

"Sure, I'll meet you there in five"

"Ok" I said and we split up.

"Mommy can we get strawberry yogurt"

"Yes" I replied and she grabbed it off the rack.

"Mommy get eggs"

"Yes I'll get the eggs, you don't touch them, you might break them"

"Mommy I won't break eggs"

"Yes you...."

"No mommy"



"Is she not listening to you" Andy asked coming up to me.

"Not really but it's fine"

"Kat you can't let her do whatever she wants, there are times we will need to discipline her"

"No yogurt this week Violet" Andy said putting it back.

"BAD DADDY" She yelled and started crying.

"No daddy isn't bad, you just need to learn to listen and if you don't stop crying then you don't get poptarts" I said trying to help out Andy.

"I no more cry because I want poptart" she said.

"Good girl" I said smiling.

"Thanks for backing me up baby I love you" Andy whispered in my ear.

"I love you too" I replied.

"We better hurry in case the snow turns into a blizzard"

"I'll get canned food just in case and I'll get some fruits you go ahead and get whatever else you think we need" Andy said and we split up again

I got some cereal, donuts, candy, pop, pizza rolls, bread, peanut butter, hot dogs and some raw shrimp. Don't judge me, I love raw shrimp. Andy came up to the cart and put in bananas, apples, peaches, spaghettios (however you spell it) Ravioli and then we went ahead and paid. I put on Violets hat and then we went outside and it was snowing hard.

"You get Violet buckled in and get in the car, I'll take care of the groceries"

"I need the keys" I said and he threw them to me.

I started the car and turned the heater on then I buckled her in and put her blanket over her for extra warmth and then helped Andy get the rest of the groceries in the car. Andy drove us home and we took everything in and checked the weather.

"It is expected to get five inches of snow tonight so make sure you're all snug and warm and be safe in the morning"

It's a good thing Jade doesn't live in Ohio with us because she hates having to shovel through snow and everything like we would be doing in the morning most likely.

"Ten o'clock Missy, time for bed" I said picking up Violet.

"Kisses?" She asked.

Andy and I kissed her cheeks at the same time like usual and she giggled. She likes it when so do that, I don't know why but she does.

"Daddy" she said as soon as I laid her in bed.

"Yes sweetie" he replied.

"I made a boom boom" she said and I started dying from laughter.

"You got this" I said walking out of the room continuing to laugh.

I'm Happy He Stalked Me (Sequel to Stalked by BVB)Where stories live. Discover now