Chapter 1

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   Dan's Pov


    The sudden sound shook me from my slumber causing me to look up eyeing my surroundings confused. I forgot I was in class, I looked up to see my teacher towering over me an unimpressed look on his face.

   "Mr. Howell it is your first day and your already sleeping in class!" he scolded. His stare remained on me awaiting an explanation. I could feel my lips quiver as I tried to think of an answer when someone from the back of the class yelled something

  "Probably too busy getting off to gay porn!"

   I felt my face heat up from embarrassment as the whole room erupted into laughter.

 "Class that's enough" Mr. Winchester stated looking towards the boy, "And knock it off Lester" 


 Once the bell rang everyone rushed out the door and I stayed in my seat not wanting to get trampled. Once I felt it was clear I grabbed my books and walked down the hall towards my locker hanging my head low.

  This was my first time in a high school since I was always home schooled and not used to all these kids and getting up this early in the morning. I've read books about what high school is portrayed to be like and so far it's living up to those standards. 

  I opened my locker and squeezed my books in , about to grab the ones for my next class when a voice bellowed behind me.

  "Hey faggot" it spoke causing my to jump and turn around. I was greeted with a group of boy surrounding me the main one looking to be at least 6 ft wearing a blue jacket with his hood on and some skinny jeans. His black hair was cut into a fringe and his blue eyes filled with smug pierced into my skin. 

  "Looks like the little queers got nothing to say Phil" one of them laughed.

   "Yeah" the boy I assumed  was Phil replied, "You do know these are girl clothes right?" he asked tugging on my lilac sweater. It was  paired  with some white jeans and Toms a small flower crown rested on my head.

  "I-I l-like my clothes" I murmured looking down.

  "What was that?" Phil asked.

  "I said I like my clothes" I stated more clearly afraid of what would happen if I kept quiet.

His eyes narrowed onto mine and he looked angry. "Hey don't talk to me like that" he said pushing me into the locker and pinning my wrists so they scrapped against the cold metal.

   "Listen I'll let you go this time queer but next time I won't be so easy so learn your place" he spit in my face, "Am I clear?"

  I nodded quickly and he dropped my wrists walking away. I slid down the locker breathing out and hugging my knees. The bell rang and I rose to my feet grabbing my books and walking to my next class Phil's words ringing in my ear.

  Next time I won't be so easy


 Once lunch timed rolled around I was already tired of this school and the people in it. I sat at an open table by myself not wanting to socialize with anyone in fear of how they would react. I had already gotten disgusted looks in the hallway and the only person who spoke a word to me was a girl telling me to get out of her way.

    I took out the salad my mom packed me and slowly ate self-consious about how I was eating. I felt like people were watching me eat. A boy walked towards my table and sat next to me giving me a smile before talking.

 "Ello mate my name's Chris" he said. "Do you have any preferred pronouns?" he asked. 

  I wriggled my eyebrows in confusion. "I just like wearing colorful clothes" I answered.

  "Well I've seen you around school and you seem nice and have a nice sense of style" he said biting into his sandwich.

  "Oh well my name's Dan nice to meet you" I said shyly picking at my salad.

  "How do you like East High so far?" he asked gleefully.

 "Well I fell asleep in class and some boy named Phil and his friends keep bullying me" I said taking a sip of me drink. I felt Chris's hand slink into  mine massaging my thumb.

  "I'm sorry you had to go through that" he said sympathetically, "I deal with them too on a daily basis but don't worry they're just a bunch of pricks"

  I smiled for the first time today.

  "Awe your smile is so adorable" Chris gleamed, "And you have dimples oh my god your so smol"

  I blushed not knowing how to react.

  "I-is that a good thing?" I asked hesitantly.

"In my eyes it's a great thing!" he said throwing his hands up. I giggled a little before replying "Oh well that's go-"

 "Well look what we have here" a voice too familiar spoke

  Across the table sat Phil only this time he was alone and his group (more like gang) of friends were at a table in the center.

"What do you want Phil?" Chris said annoyed rolling his eyes. My eyes widened at the way Chris spoke to Phil.

  "Now Chris don't get cocky we all know your a little pussy" Phil sneered.

Chris scoffed opening his mouth to say something but was quickly interrupted by Phil talking "Tell me Dan how many guys dicks did you have to suck to end up in a school like this" he mused.

  My mouth fell open and my eyes widened at his words. I didn't know what to say so I fiddled with my fingers in my lap feeling tears sting in my eyes and a lump form in the back of my throat.

 "Listen Phil Dan has done nothing to you so why don't you leave him alone and shove a kiwi up your arse!" Chris scolded getting up grabbing me and walking me to the bathrooms.

  "Have fun tearing each others asshole's up!" Phil shouted.

"Gladly!" Chris shouted flicking him off before slamming the bathroom door.

I looked in the mirror adjusting my flower crown that was now crooked and my
sweater slumped over revealing my shoulder. My eyes were swollen red with tears and my lips puckered from pouting. I could hear Chris pulling towels from the dispenser and wetting them. He grabbed my cheek wiping away the tears from my face before landing a kiss on my forehead taking me by surprise.

  "T-thank you Chris" I said feeling my cheeks heat up.

 "Anytime mate, I more than anyone know what it's like to be bullied" he said giving me a small smile, "Wanna skip the rest of school since all we have left are free periods"

"How do you know my class schue-" I was silenced my Chris pulling out a piece of paper I recognized to be my class list. "It fell out your pocket when you got up from the table"

 I said "oh" almost inaudible before nodding. "Great let's get out of this prison" Chris said grabbing my hand and pulling me  out of the bathroom and towards the exit doors.

  We stopped at the doors when Chris adjusted my sweater that was still sliding down my shoulder. "By the way nice collarbones"


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