Chapter 2

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In this story Dan actually likes his "hobbit hair" so it  won't be straight unless stated otherwise

Unedited cause I'm lazy

Dan's POV

  We walked out the doors and I instantly shivered feeling the slight autumn breeze glide past my face rustling my flower crown. I stopped for a moment to look in the window of an empty room and fix my appearance. The cold caused my slightly pale cheeks to show a small tint of red and my lips were chapped (and faded)my face feeling sticky with now dried tears. I took off my flower crown and ruffled my hair which was a curly brown mess, biting my lip slightly as I did so. Once I felt it was in order I carefully slid the flower crown back over my head.

  "Daniel are you coming?" Chris asked from a distance. I turned around to see him already near the road waving to me. I ran over to him and asked where we were going to go.

 "We could hang out at my house if you want since my folks aren't home" he suggested. I nodded not knowing where else to go and was surprised when I felt his hand slip into mine. I felt my cheeks go redder as I stared down at the ground awkwardly and Chris must've saw my reaction because he immediately took his hand out.

   "Sorry mate don't wanna make you uncomfortable" he said giving me an apologetic smile.

"Oh it's ok I've just never held hands!" I said frantically, "especially with a boy" I mumbled at the end. 

  "No it's my fault I just assumed you that you know" he continued, "I mean like in the bathroom"

  I just stared down at the ground fumbling with my hands not making eye contact at a loss for words. It was silent except the wind ringing in my ears and the slight shuffling of Chris's feet. A car zoomed by slicing through the silence like a blade causing us to both look up. We looked to each other in amazement me looking down quickly feeling a small smile creep onto my face. 

  "Ok enough diddly-daddling let's go before someone catches us" Chris said motioning his hand down the road. I smiled and started up behind him walking down the road.


Once we arrived at Chris's house  my legs were killing me from all the walking. I usually stayed in my house and read books all day so I wasn't exactly fit like Chris. I collapsed onto his couch before quickly standing up realizing how rude that must've been. I "casually" leaned up against the couch trying not to seem awkward.

  "You can sit wherever you don't have to be so nervous" Chris chucked plopping down on the couch beside me. He shuffled closer to me and I freaked out a bit once his arm reached out. But instead of possibly as I've read in books "making a move" on me he just reached over to grab a remote which was coincidentally sat beside me. Needless to say a blush still crept onto my face as his warm breath slightly grazed my cheeks as he grunted trying to grab it.

 "So what do ya fancy watching?" Chris asked twiddling the remote in his hands. I drew a blank not knowing how to respond since my parents never let me watch TV.

  "We can watch whatever I don't really mind" I said.  He nodded flicking through channels before finding the one he wanted. I couldn't understand any of the words that the cartoons were saying so I was quite confused.

 "Oh right I should mention this is an anime so all of it is in Japanese" Chris said, "Here I'll subtitles so you can read what their saying"

 Once he clicked the button small words flashed at the bottom of the screen providing more insight as to what was going on.

  "Would you like something to eat or drink?" Chris asked eyes still glued to the screen, "I could order a pizza"

  "Sure I like pepperoni" I replied licking my lips.

  "Sounds great" Chris said whipping out his phone and walking into what I assumed to be the kitchen. I was sitting  and watching the rest of the show waiting for Chris to come back when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I saw that it was my mom checking to see that I saw having fun at school. I quickly replied with a subtle yep not wanting to say anything that may trigger her mother instincts.


 We were sat on Chris's couch eating pizza and watching something called "Free" and honestly I was having a pretty nice time. I don't know why my parents are so afraid of me going to school and hanging out with friends.

  Chris looked over at me with a confused look on his face but soon one side of his mouth turned up into a smile. He leaned over and brought his hand up to face grazing over my chin and showing his hand to me to see that I had some sauce on my face.

His hand lingered for a moment before lightly cupping my cheek. He started to lean in eyes closed and lip puckered. I freaked out and scrambled off the couch covering my face with my hands leaving Chris on the couch grabbing at air. 

  "Dan?" he said eyes still closed. Once he opened his eyes and saw the state I was in his facial expression changed and he looked worrysome. I scrambled up onto my feet, grabbed my bag, and ran out the door not even waving goodbye.

  I ran down the street not stopping until I was at my front door. I stumbled onto the steps taking a moment to catch my breath but then remembered what clothes I had on. I hid behind a tree and pulled some clothes out of my schoolbag. There was a plain white tee and a red tie with some black pants. If my parents saw me wearing the clothes I had on at school they'd kill me.

  I unlocked the door to my house and slipped in trying not to be seen. My mom was sitting in my living room with a bible in her hand (as always) and my dad was sat beside her watching some documentary.

  "Hi honey how was your first day?" my mother asked frantically.

  "It was pretty nice but some boys harassed me" I said.  

  My dad turned around at this statement suddenly interested in the conversation.

"Those boys obviously aren't following God's path" he said.

"Don't worry son because the Lord is watching over you and will keep you safe" my mother added giving me a warm smile.

  "Thanks for the reasurrance I really needed it" I replied before turning up to go to my room.

"No dinner today honey?" my mom asked.

 "No I'm not really hungry" I replied still walking up the stairs.

  Once I got in my room I threw my bag in a corner and immediately knelt down next to my bed.

God um I'm a little confused...a boy kissed me on the forehead today..and it felt nice. I know homosexuality is a sin and I'm trying to be rid of it but it's becoming more difficult. I know it's just a phase but I always have these urges and one boy in particular triggers these urges. Anyways I'm calling you for advice or a sign on how to deal with this. In your son Jesus Christ, Amen

 I lifted myself up and changed into my pajamas the exhaustion from today's events and my energy becoming more vivid. I climbed into bed closing my eyes the events from today replaying in my mind as my vision became wary and I drifted off to sleep.


Q; How was you guys day?

A; relaxing



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