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I stand and look at the little kitten. I don't know what to do. "Are you lost?"I ask. What am I doing? Cats can't talk. I bend down to and check for a collar. The little kitten does have a color luckily. It has small spike on it and a little round name tag with no name on it or address. "hmm"I say in thought. I can't just leave it out here to freeze. I look around and see no one. I then pick up the small kitten, whos surprisingly no bigger then my hand. I stand up and face my door once again. I unlock it and walk inside. Its quite...as always.

I turn on a light and close the door. I then throw my bag down and put the kitten gently on the floor. I untie my shoes and close then lock my door. The small kitten meows up at me and I smile. Its a very cute kitty. "tomorrow were gonna try to find your owner. But tonight~ youre getting spoiled" I say with a giggle. I skip to the kitchen and stop at the cupboards. I know its not my cat but I've always wanted one. No harm in spoiling it tonight.

 I garb a small bowl and put it on the counter. I turn around and the kitten is already behind me. Its so cute. I step over it and get to the fridge. I grab the milk jug and go back to the bowl. I pour some milk into it then look down at the kitten. It meows again and I pick it up again. "so so cute"I say and kiss its head gently. I place it on the counter and it walks up to the bowl and starts drinking the milk.

I pet it gently as it drinks. I wish I could keep it. But maybe since tomorrow is Friday I could postpone looking for its owner. Just until Saturday. When it finishes the milk, I pour a little bit more in the bowl then put the jug back into the fridge. I sit up on the counter next to the kitten and smile down at it. It finishes the milk completely and turns around to me. I pat my lap gently and it hopes up onto it. It meows up at me and tries to climb my shirt. I giggle and pick it put and hold it in the air. It meows again and I gently rub our noses together.

I then place it down on my lap again and continue to pet it. It starts purring and it feels nice on my lap. I sigh a bit then pick the kitten up again. It seems a bit confused but I cradle it in my arms. I then jump down from the counter and walk upstairs into my bedroom. I open my door and turn on the light. my bed looks so comfortable, I just want to jump into it and sleep. I close my door once I step in. I put the little kitten on my bed then I walk to my dresser. I take off my clothes and change into my pajamas.

That's much better. The kitten has claimed the bottom part of my bed so I work my way around it. I don't mind sharing my bed. I turn on my bed lamp and turn off my big light. I sit up and look at the kitten. Its already asleep. It must be really tired. I turn off my lamp then lay down. I stare up into the darkness of my room and sigh. Its going to suck when I have to return the little guy. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

My Little KittyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang