Azure *Naruto Fanfiction*

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♥ Azure-Mirra ♥

His lips pulled up to a smirk, holding the skull firmly in his hand bafore tossing it up and catching it. "Your dismissed." He spoke turning his chair to look out the window to the colorless village in front of him. "Untill you awnser my questions I refuse your mission."  The girl sat at the chair spoke, her eyes fixed to the back of the chair waiting for it to be turned around. The minutes passed before the girl had stood, and the man quickly spoke up. 

"Your brother will be released once my mission is complete. Oh and as for your remaining 4 members of your clan, they have a chance of surviving. That is if you follow through the mission completely." The man coldly laughed as the girl felt her knees go weak with nervousness. Theres six of us left. Only six. I have to protect us. She thought before turning around. "Mission accepted." 

Azure-Mirra ♥

Her eyes we're fixed on the kids walking into the building. Genin after Genin they stroded in ready for the test, chating away at who was going to pass. "I'll re-build us. Just wait." She wispered to herself before closing her eyes and jumping down to the grass. Her clans passed down skills coming in handy, she used them. Changing her pure silk white hair to a deep brown, pale grey eyes to a more suitable green and pale un-toned skin one of slightly more color she opened her eyes and fixed her outfit. 

Her fingers grazed the cloth that held her clans symbol. The silver cross that laid brightly on the black dress with gold lining. She sighed changing into the dress and straping on her head band to her waist. Wrapping her hands and theighs with the white bandages she cracked her knuckles before setting out for the start of the mission. 

With great eaze she made her way to the hokage's building. All that needed to be prepared now was her team. "You may enter." Her face was stoned as she entered the room her eyes flickering to the tall man with white hair that pushed to one side, his headband pulled don covering his left eye and a mask that covered his nose and mouth then the hokage. "I would be appreciative if this we're to get over before the Chunin exams start. I'm participating today."  She spoke with firmness as she sat in the chair. "No need for the first one I've heard you taken it already." The old man said as he sucked on the pipe and blew out the air.

"How would you know I didn't want to take it a second?" She asked again, needing desperatly for him to say it was fine. "You will start the second stage of the Chunin exams tomorrow. Your in team 7. No further disscussions." 

"You don't understand. I need to take the first exam." She protested growling holding the chairs arms tightly, so her knuckles turn white. "No further discusions. You may leave." Her eyes became fixed onto the old man as her hands grip grew stronger. Standing up the chair colladed with the wall smashing into the smallest of pieces as her anger became ravaged. She needed to make sure they passed every test and this was not helping. What if they had failed? She would'nt be able to carry out the rest of the mission. 

The hokage took notice to the symbol on the back of her shirt, so had her new snsi, Kakashi. "One...Two...Three..." She counted before turning around to the door. Further argument wouldn't get her anywhere, she had to deal with it. Once she arvived at the door way her foot came in contact with one edge smashing it greatly with power. "You have no idea what you doing to me." Her voice was cold before she went to the nearest window and jump out. 

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