Chapter 6: Meeting New People!

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Azure's POV:

I put the bow in my hair before smiling at nothing in general. I sighed and opened the door to see Naruto almost drooling. Before slipping out I snatched my wallet which was filled with the cash Oruchimaru had given to me for the mission that I was going on. I even had some still stored in a saving box under my mattress.

"Ready." I smiled. Naruto turned to look at me before blushing hard. "O-O-Oh. Y-You look pretty." He said and I looked at my kimono. "Thanks. My aunt made this for me. It's one of my favorites." I smiled as he did too. "Cool, so we go?" He asked and I nodded closing and locking my door. I turned to Naruto and we left the house going to the streets.

It wasn't long before me and Naruto were at the ramen parlor eatting ramen. I had one bowl while he had, a few more than 5. I covered the cost at the end and got mauled with thank you's. "You know I should be the one thanking you since your suppose to be in the hospital," he teased. "Well whatever." I giggled. "You should go train for the Chunin exams. I heard you beat that Kiba guy." I smiled along with him.

"Yep! But what about you?" He asked and I shrugged. "I wanna do some touring. Besides I should let my muscles rest for a day before training. But don't worry. I'll be training like a mad woman tomorrow." I giggled and he smiled nodding.

"See tomorrow then!" He said before running off. I smiled turning around and looking around. I was being honest. Kabuto told me to always rest a day before training again, something about my aura that gives him vibes. I sighed heavily before looking around, where should I go first?

I started walking before quickly being stopped by a foot being placed in front of mine. "Don't step on that." I looked at the bug in front of me before smiling. "Oh is this yours? I'm sorry, I should've seen it." I giggled kneeling down and looking at the lady bug. "It's really beautiful. I always liked lady bugs. I can't tell if its a man or woman." I giggled looking up to see the boy who stepped in front of me. He had a white coat with a collar that pretty much covered all of his face but his eyes, which those were covered by goggles. "I'm Azure. Nice to meet you." I said but he didn't answer.

I stood up letting the lady bug onto my finger and smiling at it. "If your interested in bugs I've seen a few rare ones. They're really pretty. I don't really have the guts to touch a few but there really do amaze me." I smiled at him before letting lady bug walk onto his shoulder. "It was cool meeting you. I'd be sure to let you know if I found any bugs you might like." He didn't seem like one to smile or talk but I didn't mine.

I gave him one more smile before walking over to a near by shop. It was a cute antiques shop. I looked around seeing a few things that caught my eye but not much. Eventually I decided on buying the cute little doggie key chain and one that had a little heart. I put them on my keychain and thanked the woman before walking out to do some more looking.

"Arf!" I looked around furrowing my eyebrows at the dog noise. A puppy? I turned around to see the bug guy and two other people. It was a boy, with a hoodie and a puppy sitting on his head along with a girl with dark blue hair and white eyes. The puppie barked again happily making the boy with the puppy on his head look at me. I gave a small smile before turning to the guy I met who likes bugs.

"Well nice to see you again." I said before looking at the other two. "You guys must be his friends, or team." I said. "I guess you could say both." The boy with the dog said shrugging. "You know eachother?" He asked looking at me and his team mate. "No, no, no. He just helped me notice I was about to step on a little o'ladybug before it was too late. I never even got his name." I said before he smiled.

"He's not much of a talker but he's Shino, I'm Kiba and this is Hinata." He said smiling. "Hi." Hinata said in below a wisper, she seemed really shy. "Hey, nice to meet you all. What about your little friend? He seems nice." I giggled. "Haha, yeah he is. This is Akamaru." He said. I giggled lightly. "Well he seems awesome! He looks very loyal too." Kiba smiled at me and Akamaru barked again.

"What'd he say?" I asked. "He say he likes you." Kiba laughed lightly and I giggled. "Why thank you Akamaru, I like you too!" I gushed a little before remembering Naruto. "Oh, I heard you lost your match I frowned. "Oh that? Yeah..."He rubbed the back of his head in embarssment a little.

"You shouldn't understimate Naruto. He much stronger than he looks..." I trailed of putting my finger to my chin. "But then again I didn't see the battle. But 'm sure yu gave it your all and thats all that matters." I smiled and he smiled lightly back blushing lightly. "Yeah." I looked at Hinata and smiled brighter. "I heard about your fight too. I don't think its a good idea to be walking around so soon. Although, I was in pretty bad shape too!" I laughed rubbing the back of my head.

Kiba looked at me in shock. "You were. You were the first fight. The way you won is beyond me! You looked like any second you'd fall out." He said Hinata and Shino nodding in agreement. "I was really jacked then. In all honesty I was just thinking about my family and how I'd be a disgrace if I didn't win. Although, my family would'nt have ever thought that. They were too loving." I smiled thinking of my mothers face. "How'd you heal so quickly?" He asked and I looked at myself. "I have friends." I giggled lightly.

He smiled at me warmly before I looked around some more. "Well I better get going, I wanna tour around some more." I said and he nodded. "See you around?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah."

♥ Azure-Mirra ♥

I looked up at the sky that represented a rainbow at the moment with its slither of blue along with the various orange and yellow hues of light that scattered it. I sighed tieing the 5 flowers I found with the ribbon that had used to be in my hair letting it fall down my back in soft curls. "Beautiful as ever." My eyes stayed looking at the flowers as they softened lightly knowing the voice all to well. "My best man yet. What would I do without you?"

"What do you want Kabuto?" I asked standing and turning to look at him. "Oh nothing. Do those compliments mean nothing to you. Because Lord Oruchimaru says them all the time." He said, he was close, like in my 'personal bubble' close. "They're nice comments but don't affect me." I said. He smiled placing his hand on my cheek stroking it gently. "You hate the sight of me don't you?" He asked. "I wouldn't nessicarily say hate." I rolled my eyes turning around starting to head for the village.

"I havn't checked your body yet." He reminded me. I sighed turning around. He smile littling his chakra flow to his hand before going through his normal procedures. "Your his favorite you know." He said. "Just hurry up." I hissed making him making a Tsk sound with his mouth. "You do hate me." He smiled before finishing and looking at me. "Such a beautiful girl wasted on such a horrible life." He smiled fixing his glasses before sighing. "But what are you to do?" I invoulentarily growled turning around and starting to storm off to the village.

He's always acting some weird. Sometimes its like he hates me, then its like he thinks were the best of friend or maybe he acts like he likes me, but of course that stupid. Kabuto and Oruchimaru are heartless. 

Then can't even seem to love themselves...

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