Chapter 10: Training Special!

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Azure's POV:

Great. I huffed as I struggled to keep the log over my head. The log had two rock-scratch that boulders tied onto it on both ends. The sun seemed to be on a mission to make me sweat more than usual today. It just wanted me to pass out from heat exghaustion and dehydration. "You got this Saskue!" I groaned raised my head slightly to show and tired look at Sakura. And If it wasn't bad enough Sakura's cheering for Saskue gets louder and more annoy as we get up more steps. I turned looking at Saskue as he seemed to be struggling just about as much as me, maybe I'm struggling slightly more.

The wind started to whistle lightly as the wind picked up a little more making me almost moan when it hit me. "You guys are taking longer than you should." Kakashi said looking at his watch then at us. "Coming from the guy sitting in the shade....without 4 bouders and a log above his head." I groaned looking at the remaining steps left.There were only about 20 in reality but right now it seemed like 100. I took another step grunting as I did.

"Don't talk, talking takes energy and from what I'm seeing, you have no room to talk." He said. I sucked in a breath of the fresh wind before taking another step and letting out the breath. Saskue was keeping up staying silent as he did. "Come on Saskue! You got this!" Sakura said once more smiling as she did. I gasped a deep breath struggling to walk as the weight was getting near unbearable. Nine more steps, just nine more. I grunted and moaned, and whinned as I tried to get up the stairs.

One step. I took the last bit of energy and climbed it before walking behind Kakashi and Sakura and dropping the large log and boulders. My knees went weak and my muscles ached as I fell to the floor sitting. Saskue approaching me once I had and doing the same. Our breathing was ravaged and our heads tilted back as the wind had picked up a decent enough pace to cool us down nicely. "A few minutes late but good all around." Kakashi said walking up to us and handing me a water bottle and Sakura handing Saskue one.

"So, you guys ready to go back down the steps to get some lunch?" He asked and although the mask was covering his face I could tell he was smiling. I gave him a blank stare before opening the bottle and chugging the water down. Some falling from the sides of my lips or dripping onto my shirt. I left a quarter of the bottle and drumped it on my face and hair before getting up and shaking my head letting the grops of water fling around. "Hey!" Sakura squealed before wipping the water off her. "Sorry." I mummbled wipping my lips and she shrugged as it to say it's cool.

"So whos up for lunch!?" Kakashi encouraged again. I sighed and nodded, Saskue eventually nodding too. "Good!" He chirped. Saskue stood and we started walking down, 5 stairs down Kakashi spoke again, "oh and by the way, those logs have to get down the stairs."

♥ Azure-Mirra ♥

Bowl stacked on bowl, stacked on bowl, stacked on bowl the bowls kept going. Downing every last bowl I slurpped and munched and dug into the food. "Wow, you almost as bad as Naruto." Sakura giggled as I ate. I pushed the bowl aside. "Another." I said and the man smiled handing me another bowl. I dug in once again eatting and slurping and pushing bowls to the side. Once I was completely full my cheeks felt all puffed up and my stomach was now happy. "Twenty-Six bowls." Kakashi counted. I moaned taking out my wallet before getting my hand smacked away. "My treat." Kakashi said before handing the man the money.

I frowned standing up. "Hey! I could've paid." I scolded and I could tell he was smiling. "Most people would be glad to not have taken that bill." He said and I shrugged folding my arms. "Whatever. I'm going home." I said starting to walk off. "Before you do Azure." I turned around and Kakashi smiled akwardly. "Could you bring Saskue to his house?" Saskue laid sleep, drooling leaking down the corner of his mouth as he sat in the stool. I looked around for Sakura only to see her laying next to him sleep as well. "Why's she sleeping?" I questioned and he chuckled lightly before picking her up. "See you tomorrow Azure." And with that he dashed away. I sighed and picked Saskue up in my arms before jumping over.

Where the hell do you live? I stopped. Shit where does he live? Ugh, I should've asked! I groaned looking around before sighing. Great. I jumped down and went to the nearest hotel. "It's a little late don't you think?" The woman asked before seeing Saskue in my arms and smiling. "Oh I see!" I widened my eyes. "No! Its not- I mean listen he passed out I don't know where he lives so heres money just get me a room so I can go home!" I begged taking out my wallet. She giggled shaking her head. 'Okay whatever you say!" She teased taking the money and giving me a key card.

I groaned going up the steps to the room before laying him in the bed and putting the covers on him. I put the key card next to the table a wrote a small note.

I paid for the bill so don't worry. Just hand the woman the keycard and I'll explain later. Hope you had a good night sleep!


Once that was done I left the room and went through the lobby before walking outside. I went straight home running into my room I kicked off my shoes and threw my cothes off as I walked before grabbing a night gown and slipping it over my head. I didn't bother for a shower, I'd do it in the morning right now I wanted rest. I laid down smiling as I was finally about to sleep.

4 More Days.

Azure *Naruto Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now