Des Fraises

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((A/N A fluffy FrUk headed your way!!!))

*France's POV*

  France strolled into the kitchen, humming lightly. "Bonjour mon chere!", he called cheerily to his dearest fiancé, England. The nation turned away from the counter, a kitchen knife in one hand and an apron on. "Oh. 'Ello love," he said with a smile.

  France chuckled and glanced over England's shoulder. "You finally finished your demon summoning Angleterre?" England scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I wasn't summoning demons. Simply working on some magic with the fairies." France shrugged. "Same difference."

  England shook his head with a "tsk tsk" and continued chopping up something on the counter. France sauntered up behind him, lightly grabbing his waist with another hand resting on the counter. "Hm? What're you making, mon chere? Cooking is dangerous when it comes to you..." England smirked. "Nothing dangerous. Just cutting up strawberries." England put an arm on France's back, and France sighed softly.

  "Des fraises. My favorite.... What're you making wizh zhem?" He brushed his lips against England's, who pulled him close to whisper in his ear. "Oh, I'm not making anything. This is just for show." Confusion filled France, and he frowned slightly. "Hm? What do you mean?", he asked as he pulled away.

  England's eyes were now soulless black pits. He smiled with insanity, and drove the strawberry-stained knife into France's stomach. France stumbled backwards, horror and pain flooding his body. He collapsed onto the ground, letting out a moan. "A-Arzhur!!...", he cried, his breath beginning to come out in ragged gasps. Pain seared through his stomach, and spots danced at the edge of his vision.

  England stood over him, smirking. "Finally," he said in a voice that didn't belong to the man France knew and loved, "all of the happiness and joy you two have shared will be gone." Suddenly his body jerked, and France swore he saw fairies soaring around England, shooting rays of light at him. England let out a roar, and a black mist exited out his nose, mouth, and eyes. It disappeared in thin air.

  France let out another moan, putting a hand over his stomach wound. England blinked a couple times, before a horrified look formed on his face. "Francis! Oh my God. Oh my GOD!! I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm sorry..." He dropped to his knees, grabbing a dish towel and pressing it against France's stomach. He put his other hand behind France's head, lifting him up slightly.

  "It's.. Okay," France managed to mumble, before coughing loudly. Blood splattered onto his terrified fiancé and his own clothes. "No it's not! I- I- NO! I'll fix this... You'll be okay...", England choked out, tears streaming down his face. France whimpered slightly and squeezed his eyes shut, before opening them again to gaze into his fiancé's eyes. "Je... Je t'aime, Arzhur...", he whispered, darkness rising in his eyes like the tide in his eyes.

  "No- Francis don't go. Stay awake... Stay awake!..."

  Darkness completely enveloped France, and he took a last breath in.

  "Francis no... I love you..."

  Then everything was gone.

((A/N okay so maybe I lied... Remember to vote, comment, and check out my other stories!!))

France, England, and FrUk OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now